مجلة العلوم الاقتصادية وعلوم التسيير
Volume 22, Numéro 1, Pages 10-17

Analysis Of The Performance Of Smes In The Sector Buildings And Public Works

Authors : Bouri Nassima .


Abstract The article aims to analyze the financial situation of firms in the Buildings and Public Works sector, by calculating and interpreting performance indicators; Return on Equity “RFP” “Financial Profitability”, Business Profitability, Value Added Rate, Productivity "PROD", Productivity Value "PRN", Productivity Sales "PVENTES", Investment "INVES", and the "ENDET" debt ratio, as well as the "SDETTE" debt structure. The interpretations of the results underline a so-called average performance in terms of value productivities, technical and financial, good in terms of investment and value-added rates, and low in terms of commercial and financial profitability, with a remarkable indebtedness for the majority of companies.


Keywords: Performance, Profitability, Value Added Rate, Productivity, Investment, Debt. Jel Classification Codes : L25, L16, M21, D24, H63.