Revue Algérienne des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques
Volume 60, Numéro 3, Pages 305-320

Crimes Against Forests

Authors : Boukhalfa Hadda .


Abstract : The protection of forest property is one of the important subjects that has attracted the attention of the legislation, as it is strongly linked to the environment and sustainable development. The preservation of natural resources is everyone’s responsibility. This wealth benefits individuals and animals of all kinds, especially those living in forests. This is why Algerian legislation establishes a criminal protection regime for forest property in the Penal Code and Law 84-12. It defines a series of attacks on forest property, which is an offence punishable by law. In these laws, the legislator also distinguishes between crimes, offences and offences, according to their seriousness and the seriousness of offences against forest wealth and their negative long-term effects. The purpose of this study is to highlight the offences set out in the Penal Code and Law No 84-12, affecting forest property, as well as the penalties in this regard.


Keywords: crime, forest property, livestock, fires, vandalism.