Revue Algérienne des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques

المجلة الجزائرية للعلوم القانونية و السياسية


The journal of Algerian legal and political sciences is an international peer-reviewed and free scientific journal, published by the Faculty of Law, university of Algiers 1. It was founded in March 1964 under the name of the Algerian journal of legal, political, and economic sciences. The journal publishes original scientific research paper every three months in three languages: Arabic, English and French. The areas covered by the review are: - law, Political Science and International Relations. The magazine’s target audience is very diverse: lawyers, research teachers, law and political science students at both national and international levels.


دعوة من اجل الانضمام لهيئة المراجعين المجلة الجزائرية للعلوم القانونية والسياسية من أجل تحكيم المقالات باللغة الانجليزية


تتشرف المجلة الجزائرية للعلوم القانونية و السياسية في إطار تعزيز جودة المحتوى العلمي للمجلة بدعوة الباحثين في مجال العلوم القانونية والسياسية للانضمام لهيئة المراجعين وذلك للمساهمة في تقييم البحوث و المقالات العلمية التي ترد إلى المجلة باللغة الإنجليزية. يشترط أن يكون المراجع حاصلا على درجة الدكتوراه في تخصصه ( أستاذ التعليم العالي ، أستاذ محاضر "أ") و أن يكون ممارسا للعمل الأكاديمي.








Cyberbullying in the Digital Space: Between Risks of misuse and Protective Mechanisms التنمر السيبراني بين مخاطر الاستخدام وآليات الحماية

هامل فوزية, 

Résumé: Thanks to technological advances, we are able to connect with one another at an unprecedented speed and level of accuracy. However, these same advances have unleashed new forms of crime and methods of committing them. One such crime is cyberbullying, which poses a significant danger to the lives and wellbeing of young people and children. Perpetrators of cyberbullying use online platforms to mock, harm and exclude their victims, causing untold damage to their lives. Many victims feel trapped and helpless, suffering from anxiety and contemplating suicide. It is therefore crucial to address this crime and understand its causes and impact, particularly in the absence of clear legal provisions with which to combat it.

Mots clés: Keywords : cyberbullying ; risks ; mechanisms. ; Keywords : cyberbullying ; risks ; mechanisms. ; cyberbullying ; digital space ; protection ; risks ; mechanisms ; cyberbullying ; digital space ; protection ; risks ; mechanisms