دراسات نفسية وتربوية
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 191-212

الأمن النفسي لدى المراهقين( دراسة ميدانية على عينة من طلبة المرحلة االثانوية بولاية تبسة)

الكاتب : ابريعم سامية .


This study aims at identifying the level of psychological security among adolescents of both sexes. A sample of (186) students form the secondary school in Tebessa city. The scale for psychological security of Zeinb Chakire was applied. The study revealed the following results: 1 – There is a low level of psychological security Adolescents among. 2 - There are differences in the degree of psychological. .

الكلمات المفتاحية

the level of psychological security- adolescents-secondary school-Tebessa city