مجلة الدراسات المالية والمحاسبية والإدارية

Journal of Financial, Accounting And Managerial studies


Journal of Financial, Accounting and Managerial studies(JFAMS) is a double blind international peer-reviewed, Bi-annual, free scientific journal, Open-access journal, founded in 2014, issued and edited by COFIFAS Labotary, Oum El Bouaghi University, Algeria(Print-ISSN2352-9962 Electronic-ISSN 2572-0147). The journal publishes original scientific research paper, in three languages: Arabic, English and French, in economy, acconting, finance and management. JFAMS is open for academic world and research institutes, academic and non-academic researchers and research team. Our goal is to provide original, relevant, and timely informatios from diverse sources ; to write and published with absolute integrity ; and to serve as effectively as possible the needs of those involved in all economic areas. If your research will help us achieve these goals, we would like to bear from you. JFAMS provide immediate open access to its content on the principle that making the research freely avaible to the public supporting a greater global exchange of knowledge.The journal includes an international editorial board that works according to international standards, applies confidentiality for evaluation procedures, requires and ensures that reviewers be external and not affiliated with authors (not from the same institution of affiliation,..), our team work to improve and upgrade the journal to reach international levels. Please see our Instructions for authors for information. It is possible to subscribe easily and free of charge by all organizations and individuals, by filling in the surname, first name and e-mail, by clicking on the subscribe button


استقبال المقالات

 تعلن هيئة تحرير المجلة أنها في الفترة الحالية تستقبل فقط مقالات المؤلفين الأجانب، وكذلك المقالات باللغات الانجليزية والفرنسية

The journal's editorial board announces that it currently only accepts articles by foreign authors, as well as articles in English and French.









اختبار العلاقة النظرية بين الإنفاق الحكومي في الجزائر والنمو الإقتصادي وفق قانون فاجنر- دراسة تحليلية قياسية للفترة 1990-2020

عزوزة أماني,  غضابنة ليلية, 

الملخص: الملخص تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى اختبار العلاقة النظرية بين الإنفاق الحكومي والنمو الاقتصادي في الجزائر وفق قانون فاجنر باستخدام بيانات السلسلة الزمنية السنوية للفترة 1990-2020، ولتجنب نتائج الانحدار الزائف في التقدير بطريقة المربعات الصغرى تم اختبار نموذج الانحدار الخطي للبواقي. ومن خلال اختبار السببية تبين أن نموذج Pryor هو الصالح في حالة الاقتصاد الوطني وأن الانفاق يسبب النمو الاقتصادي والعكس بالعكس عند درجة معنوية أقل من 10%. Abstract This study aims to test the theoretical relationship between government spending and economic growth in Algeria according to Wagner's law using the annual time series data for the period 1990-2020, and to avoid the results of false regression in the estimate by the least squares method, the linear regression model of the residuals was tested. By testing causality, it was found that the Pryor model is valid in the case of the national economy and that spending causes economic economic growth and vice versa at a significant degree of less than 10%.

الكلمات المفتاحية: الانفاق الحكومي ; النمو الاقتصادي ; نموذج فاجنر ; اختبار السببية ; المربعات الصغرى ; الجزائر

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