مجلة الدراسات القانونية والسياسية
Volume 2, Numéro 2, Pages 88-110

أحكام إثبات النسب في التشريع الجزائري ما بين الإطار القانوني والتطبيق القضائي

الكاتب : فاروق خلف .


truely focused since the dawn of history on Genealogy and gave it special attention, maintaining lineages is one of the most important pillars of the social human life to ensure its stability and purity, and purity. In contrast, the loss of lineages where deviation from the rules of common sense and a waste of the valuable human life, and this was confirmed by Islam making the maintaining of lineage one of the most important purposes of the Islamic Sharia maintain the family structure as a basic cell to form a community, which is what man-made laws tried to embody , including the Algerian legislation and through the provisions contained in the Family Law about lineage as one of the moral rights entailed of the marriage contract. . - Attribution of lineage, admitting , filiation, the evidence, the correct marriage, the corrupt marriage , intercourse suspicion , cursing , artificial insemination, jurisprudence.

الكلمات المفتاحية

إثبات النسب، الإقرار، البنوة، البيينة، الزواج الصحيح، الزواج الفاسد، الوطء بشبهة، اللعان، التلقيح الاصطناعي، الاجتهاد القضائي