مجلة البحوث والدراسات


An international biannual refereed academic journal concerned with publishing research and studies in Sharia, legal, economic, social and human sciences. It is published by Eloued University. It aims to support scientific research in the fields of Islamic, legal, economic, social and human sciences, as it is a multidisciplinary journal. It publishes its research papers in Arabic, English and French. It welcomes all contributions from professors, researchers, and doctoral students from all over the world. The research and studies nominated for publication in the journal are required to fall within the journal's specializations, with the necessity to respect the objective treatment in accordance with the documented scientific method, while adhering to the principles of scientific research and its general rules and university norms in the accurate documentation of research materials.







مسؤولية المنظم عن تهدم المنشأة الرياضية

قايدي زوليخة,  ووزقير محمد, 

الملخص: إن المنافسات الرياضية ومع كثرة تنظيمها في الوقت الحاضر، لم يعد ينظر إليها كحالة رياضية مجردة، بل إنها بطابعها التنظيمي أخذت ترى برؤى متعددة، ففيها جوانب متنوعة، فتنظيم منافسة رياضية معينة في بلد معين، يعني له الكثير، ولكن ما يهم في تلك الجوانب هو الجانب القانوني الذي يفترض معه وقوع ضرر بشخص ما، وبالتالي إذا نتج الضرر عن تهدم المنشأة الرياضية التي يملكها المنظم الرياضي كان مؤدى ذلك أن توجه أصابع الاتهام نحو المنظم، متى توافرت شروط المسؤولية عن تهدم البناء الواردة في القانون المدني الجزائري Sports competitions, despite the abundance of their organization at the present time, are no longer seen as an abstract sporting situation. Rather, they are seen in their organizational nature with multiple visions, as they have various aspects. Organizing a specific sports competition in a particular country means a lot to it, but what matters in those aspects is The legal aspect with which it is assumed that a person will be harmed, and therefore if the damage resulted from the demolition of the sports facility owned by the sports organizer, this would lead to pointing the finger of accusation at the organizer, when the conditions for responsibility for the demolition of the building contained in the Algerian Civil Code are met.

الكلمات المفتاحية: المنظم الرياضي ; المنشأة الرياضية ; التهدم ; المسؤولية المدنية ; الضرر ; Sports organizer ; sports facility ; demolition ; civil liability ; damage

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