مجلة العلوم القانونية و السياسية

Journal of Legal and Political Sciences


The Journal of Legal and Political Science is a semi-annual scientific and international academic journal issued by the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at University of Echahid Hamma Lakhdar, El-Oued (Algeria). The first issue of the journal was published in June 2010. At the time, because of its association with the Institute of Legal and Administrative Sciences, the journal was titled "Journal of Legal Sciences." After the establishment of the university, the Institute transformed into a college, and thus the journal was renamed in January 2012 to become the "Journal of Legal and Political Science," a title which falls better in line with the field of law and political science. The journal publishes all scientific studies and researches in the legal and political fields in three languages: Arabic, French and English. These studies and researches are original, contemporary and seriousness, and adhere to the requirements of publication and the academic integrity. They also contribute to the development of the field of knowledge. Therefore, the journal targets all researchers interested in various branches of law and political sciences around the world. Journal Sections: The journal contains different sections, including: - legal or political studies and researches, - Texts and commentaries on judgments and judicial decisions, - Legal and political heritage.







مبدأ دوام سير المرافق العامة الفلسطينية بانتظام واضطراد

علاونة فادي, 

الملخص: الملخص يتناول هذا البحث مبدا هام من المبادئ التي تحكم سير المرافق العامة في فلسطين وهو مبدا دوام سير المرافق العامة بانتظام واضطراد، ويقوم هذا البحث باستخدام المنهج الوصفي والتحليلي بتبيان أهم الأسس والقواعد التي تعمل على تكريس هذا المبدأ في فلسطين سواء كانت هذه القواعد تتعلق بتوطيد علاقة الموظف العام بالمرافق العامة كتلك التي تتعلق بتنظيم الاستقالة وتحريم الاستقالة الجماعية، أو التي تتعلق بتنظيم الإضرار في قطاعات معينة وتحريمه في قطاعات أخرى، أو التي تختص بتطبيق نظرية الموظف الفعلي في فلسطين. كما ان البحث يقوم على تبيان الاجتهاد القضائي والفقهي وعلاقته في تدعيم هذا المبدأ من خلال تطبيق أحكام نظرية الظروف الطارئة وتعويض المتضرر المتعاقد مع الإدارة، أو من خلال تطبيق أحكام نظرية فعل الأمير وإقامة مسؤولية الدولة عن فعلها القصدي الذي ترتب عليه ضرر، أم من خلال تقرير قواعد حماية المال العام وعدم جواز الحجز عليه بأي شكل من الأشكال. وبالنتيجة توصل البحث الى مجموعة من النتائج أهمها المبالغة في تحريم الإضراب بالنسبة لبعض القطاعات، وضعف الاجتهادات الفقهية والقضائية حول نظرية فعل الأمير إضافة الى عدم النص في قانون الخدمة المدنية على تحريم الاستقالة الجماعية، وقد خلص البحث الى مجموعة من التوصيات أهمها ضرورة النص على تحريم الاستقالة الجماعية وتطبيق نظرية فعل الأمير والحد من اتساع الجهات التي منعت الحق في الإضراب. Abstract This research deals with an important principle of the principles that govern the functioning of public utilities in Palestine, which is the principle of perpetual functioning of public utilities regularly and steadily. Public utilities, such as those related to organizing resignation and prohibiting collective resignation, or related to organizing strikes in certain sectors and prohibiting them in other sectors, or related to applying the theory of the actual employee in Palestine. The research is also based on the clarification of jurisprudence and jurisprudence and its relationship to supporting this principle through the application of the provisions of the theory of emergency circumstances and compensation for the injured contracting with the administration, or through the application of the provisions of the theory of the action of the prince and the establishment of the responsibility of the state for its intentional action that resulted in damage, or through a report Rules for the protection of public money and the inadmissibility of seizing it in any way. As a result, the research reached a set of results, the most important of which is the exaggeration in the prohibition of striking for some sectors, and the weakness of jurisprudential and judicial jurisprudence on the theory of the action of the Emir, in addition to the lack of text in the Civil Service Law to prohibit collective resignation. Collectivism and the application of the theory of the prince's action and limiting the expansion of parties that prevented the right to strike.

الكلمات المفتاحية: الكلمات المفتاحية: - المرفق العام، الإضراب، الظروف الطارئة، الاستقالة، الأموال العامة. ; - public utility, strike, emergency conditions, resignation, public funds.


شيماء مناي,  زينب فريح, 

Résumé: Given the current intense security climate, specifically stemming from the Russian incursion into Ukraine, heightened tensions in the Taiwan Strait, and the increased nuclear and missile aspirations of a more confrontational North Korea. The recent approval by the cabinet of Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio marks a significant and expansion of Japan's military capabilities, the likes of which have not been seen since the establishment of the country's Self-Defense Forces (SDF) in 1954.This article seeks to fulfill two primary objectives: firstly, to elucidate the motives behind Japan's shift in national security strategy and its pursuit of a new agenda in this regard, and secondly, to underscore the implications of these changes for the future of the US-Japan security alliance in addressing emerging threats. The article’s conclusion affirms that the existing security landscape in the Indo-Pacific region has had a profound influence on Japan, prompting a noteworthy adjustment in Tokyo's strategic considerations and military readiness that will have a beneficial impact on the future of the US-Japan alliance.

Mots clés: Japan ; U.S.A ; Alliance ; Security Strategy