التكامل الاقتصادي
Volume 8, Numéro 2, Pages 341-353

The Future Of The Banking Industry In The Era Of Digital Transformation

Authors : Guechi Meriem .


One of the major changes in the industry is the digital transformation that is undergoing a profound transformation of the banking system,The recent focus on FinTech - essentially, new players in technology entering the financial services industr provide the same services as banks, possibly more efficiently because of technologies. The article aims to identify digital transformation in the banking sector, determine what both banks and FinTech companies are doing in the market. The study concluded, that there is a strong competition between Fintech startups and traditional banks, but on the other, there is room for cooperation between them, Banks and FinTechs will need to work cooperatively with other ecosystem players through adoption the open banking wich is the future of banking industry.


Banks ; Digital transformation ; Financial technology "FinTech" ; Open banking