مجلة الرسالة للدراسات الإعلامية
Volume 7, Numéro 3, Pages 311-321

The Power Of Taylor Principales Of Conversational Communication In Shaping An Organisations Online Reputation

Authors : Taleb Ibtissem . Zohra Soualhia .


This study seeks to theoretically shedding light on the wide spread of social networking sites and their positive and negative effects, due to their endless characteristics and advantages in reaching the largest number of Internet users, to break the barrier of time and place that was the only obstacle in the failure of many institutions to form strong relationships that help strong then their name and brand and building its reputation, where most of the institutions moved towards implementing a new strategy in the communication process, using Taylor principles of dialogue communication, this model that has proven its effectiveness in many studies, and it raised many problems about Werther the institution should adopt it and the ways to be followed to do so..


digital réputation ; dialogue theory ; institution ; communication