مجلة الرسالة للدراسات الإعلامية

The Journal of El-Ryssala for Media Studies


The journal of El-Ryssala for media studies is a double-blind peer-reviewed, quarterly and free of charge, open-access journal published by the Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences, University of Larbi tebessi – Tebessa , Algeria. It is interested in the dissemination of original applied research, which has not been previously published and which is treated in a documented scientific method in the field of Information and communication sciences. The journal aims are to disseminate sciences within the framework of its specialization. It targets postgraduate students, professors and all researchers, whether in research or academic circles, government departments or social institutions at the national and international levels. The research is published in three languages: Arabic, English and French.


دعوة للنشر

دعوة للنشر

تحضيرا لإصدار المجلد رقم 08 العدد 02 لشهرجوان 2024 (العدد التسلسلي 30)، يسعد هيئة تحرير المجلة أن تنهي إلى علم السادة الباحثين والمهتمين بالنشر في مجلة الرسالة للدراسات الاعلامية، أن فترة استقبال المقالات تبدأ من تاريخ 10 ماي 2024 إلى غاية 19 ماي 2024

- لا تقبل المقالات المرسلة خارج الآجال. 

- لا تقبل المقالات المرسلة التي لم تحترم قالب المجلة.

- لا تقبل المقالات التي ترسل بغير الايمايل المهني.


عن رئيس التحرير: أ.د/ بوزيان عبد الغني.









The horizon of media robots and the loss of humanization of meaning production

حسيني وليد, 

Résumé: Abstract: Media action todayseeks to respond more to the given digital environment and its active programs within the framework of whatisdictated by immediacy and speed, which are demonstrated by the various formulations of artificial intelligence, bypassing the times of the media’srole as a humanbeingsingled out for a combination of thinking, analysis and contemplation throughwhichhishumanitywasmanifestedthrough the trio of perception, awareness and conscience, the latter of whichguaranteedhim The intensity of competition, whichislacking in intelligence programs despiteitsenormouscapacity, which has not been able to replace the humansenseassociatedwithhumanphysicality, whichrequiressymmetry of a group of elementswith a divine depositthatartificial intelligence does not contain. This paperseeks to searchcritically in human intelligence and artificial intelligence whiledemonstrating the human value as a virtuouscoreresponsible for producingmeaning in the media actthatispracticedwith a kind of sensitivity and feelings in order to deliver the message and understandwhatitmeans by interpretation and instant analysisaccording to the event or situation, whichislacking in these programs that are fed by the algorithms of the controller in it in advance. Keywords: consciousness; human intelligence; artificial intelligence; interpretation; emotion

Mots clés: consciousness; human intelligence; artificial intelligence; interpretation; emotion

YouTube as a promotion tool for adventure tourism in Algeria - Analysis of the content of the series "our desert is global 2023" by vlogger Khoubib Kowas

عباش لعياشي,  لزار سميرة, 

Résumé: The present study aims to analyze the effectiveness of using the YouTube platform as a tool to promote adventure tourism in Algeria. The focus is on the content of the travel vlogger “Khoubaib Kowas” in the tourism field. The descriptive approach was adopted to analyze how Khoubaib’s content on YouTube contributes to promoting adventure tourism in Algeria. A content analysis form was employed to collect data from a sample of seven videos, the study yielded important results indicating the necessity of employing modern filming techniques and controlling them, using appropriate language, and focusing on interactive artistic methods and templates to highlight elements of adventure tourism, such as exploring the environment and nature, physical and sports activities, and cultural immersion, to achieve effective promotion.

Mots clés: Adventure tourism ; Algeria ; Khoubib Kowas ; Promotion ; YouTube

The reality of personal and electronic communication between professor and student in light of digitization - A field study on a sample of university professors –

غضبان غالية,  جدعون زينة, 

الملخص: This scientific paper deals with the contribution of the new media through various means in ensuring interaction between students and professors during the corona pandemic that the world has witnessed in recent years, and it has had effects in various fields, and the university, like other institutions, has been affected by these changes, including the ways of communication between the professor and the student, especially since universities were completely or partially closed during this pandemic. The study has reached a set of results, including: - electronic communication imposed itself at the Algerian university due to on the one hand, and according to what was produced by the Corona pandemic on the other hand, which necessitated the professors to use it in all its means In order to complete the learning process with the aim of delivering the information to the university student as fully as possible, despite One of the study sample's preference fortraditional communication, and the latest which was influenced by personal electronic communica tion.. تتناول هذه الورقة العلمية مساهمة الإعلام الجديد بمختلف وسائله في ضمان التفاعل بين الطلبة والأساتذة خلال جائحة كورونا التي شهدها العالم في السنوات الأخيرة، وكانت لها تأثيرات في شتى المجالات، والجامعة كغيرها من المؤسسات تأثرت بهذه التغيرات، ومن بينها طرق الاتصال بين الأستاذ والطالب خاصة وأن الجامعات عرفت غلقا كليا أو جزئيا خلال هذه الجائحة. وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج منها: -الاتصال الإلكتروني فرض نفسه في الجامعة الجزائرية بالنظر للتقدم التكنولوجي من جهة وتبعا لما أفرزته جائحة كورونا من جهة أخرى، مما استلزم على الأساتذة استخدامه بكل وسائطه من أجل استكمال العملية التعليمية التعلمية وذلك بهدف إيصال المعلومة للطالب الجامعي على أكمل وجه ممكن، على الرغم من تفضيل عينة الدراسة للاتصال التقليدي هذا الأخير الذي تأثر بالاتصال الشخصي الإلكتروني.

الكلمات المفتاحية: personal communication ; digitization ; University ; professor ; student.

Algerian women’s Vlogs: A critical Analysis

رحموني لبنى, 

Résumé: Algerian women’s uses of video-blogs is increasing, especially in personal blogging, and the transfer of details of daily life to others, this is largely related to the great attractiveness of social media platforms, especially visual ones. This study came to reveal the representations that Algerian women bloggers have about themselves, Thus, they market their image through videos published on YouTube and Instagram, the number of which is in the analysis sample 100 videos from 20 blogs, by invoking the theory of impression management by its owner Erving Goffman. The results showed that the women blogger in Algeria focus on building their self-impressions with their audience on physical aesthetic standards, with a clear neglect of moral, educational and pedagogical standards.

Mots clés: self impression ; blogs ; vblogs ; Algerian women bloggers

The degree of students' possession of media literacy skills when confronting false news during crises - an exploratory study on a sample of media students at the University of Annaba during the Corona crisis -

عرامة كريمة, 

الملخص: Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the extent of media literacy skills among students when dealing with news during crises and the role of these skills in countering fake news. Many studies emphasize that this role becomes more prominent during crises due to the proliferation of false information. To achieve this, a survey methodology was employed on a sample of 30 media students at Annaba University, utilizing an electronic questionnaire. The study concluded that Facebook serves as a significant news source for the study sample. Additionally, students demonstrated a conscious interaction with fake news disseminated through social media platforms, albeit to a moderate degree. The perceived primary roles of media literacy and digital skills, from their perspective, were limited to prudent reception, with little attention to their role in production. The study underscores the university's responsibility in shaping students in accordance with its principles and enhancing their critical thinking by incorporating media literacy into its curriculum. الملخص: هدفت الدراسة إلى الكشف عن مدى توفّر مهارات التربية الإعلامية لدى الطلبة عند تعاملهم مع الأخبار خلال الأزمات ودور هذه المهارات في التصدي لمواجة الأخبار الكاذبة، خاصة وأنّ كثيرا من الدراسات تؤكد على أن هذا الدور يتبلور بشكل أكثر وضوحًا أثناء الأزمات لكثرة تفشي الأخبار الكاذبة خلالها، ولأجل ذلك تمّ استخدام المنهج المسحي على عينة من 30 مفردة من طلبة الإعلام بجامعة عنابة، وتم الاعتماد على أداة الاستبيان الالكتروني. وانتهت الدراسة إلى أنّ فيسبوك مثّل مصدراً مُهِمّاً للأخبار لدى عيّنة الدّراسة، كما تفاعل الطّلبة بوعي مع الأخبار الكاذبة التي انتشرت عبر منصات التواصل الاجتماعي ولكن بدرجة متوسطة، وأنّ أهم دور تضطلع به مهارات التربية الإعلامية والرقمية من وجهة نظرهم اقتصر على ترشيد التّلقِّي دون الاهتمام بدورها في الإرسال، كما انتهينا إلى ضرورة تحمّل الجامعة المسؤولية في تكوين الطالب على مبادئها وتعزيز التفكير النّاقد لديه بتضمين التربية الإعلامية في مناهجها. Résume: L’étude visait à révéler la disponibilité des compétences d’éducation aux médias chez les étudiants lorsqu’ils traitent de l’information pendant les crises et le rôle de ces compétences dans la lutte contre les fausses nouvelles, d’autant plus que de nombreuses études confirment que ce rôle se cristallise plus clairement pendant les crises en raison de la diffusion fréquente de fausses nouvelles pendant celles-ci, et pour cela le programme d’enquête a été utilisé sur un échantillon de 30 individus parmi les étudiants en médias de l’Université d’Annaba, et l’outil de questionnaire électronique a été utilisé. L’étude a conclu que Facebook représentait une source importante d’informations pour l’échantillon de l’étude, et que les étudiants interagissaient consciemment avec les fausses nouvelles qui se propageaient sur les plateformes de médias sociaux, mais dans une mesure modérée, et que le rôle le plus important joué par les compétences en matière de médias et de littératie numérique de leur point de vue se limitait à rationaliser la réception sans prêter attention à son rôle dans la transmission, et nous avons également conclu que l’université devrait assumer la responsabilité de former l’étudiant à ses principes et d’améliorer sa pensée critique en incluant l’éducation aux médias dans ses programmes.

الكلمات المفتاحية: Fake news; Crisis; Media literacy; Digital literacy; COVID-19 pandemic; Skills.

Media Literacy Educational Concerns in Algeria: What Does the National Curriculum Offer to Shield and Empower Digital Native Generation?

فضلون أمال,  ماضوي مريم, 

Résumé: Abstract: The increasing exposure to new media outlets has led to a significant increase in screen time among digital native children; this heightened exposure potentially poses detrimental effects on their health and well-being. Despite ongoing global debates on media literacy, several countries considerably fall short in addressing the issue seriously. In Algeria, media literacy education significantly lags behind. This paper aims to revisit and review the Algerian national education curricula across primary, middle, and secondary education, using a qualitative approach to examine the extent to which media literacy is incorporated in the national curriculum. The main result reveals a significant gap and limitations of media literacy education throughout the different schooling stages, highlighting the need for comprehensive development of media literacy skills to navigate the contemporary media landscape.

Mots clés: Algeria ; Digital Native ; Educational Concerns ; Media Literacy ; National Curriculum

Investigating the Shift in EFL Teachers’ Attitudes towards ICT Adoption in Response to Global Challenges

عبد الرحمان جهيدة,  مبيتيل نوال, 

Résumé: The present paper aims to investigate EFL teachers’ attitudes towards ICT use and how the global pandemic of Covid-19 impacts them especially when Various e-learning platforms were used to fit the needs of the new teaching and learning formats and face unprecedented challenges. This study uses an online questionnaire as the primary research tool to reach this end. It was administered to twenty-one (21) teachers in the English department at the Ibn-Khaldoun University of Tiaret, Algeria, who were randomly selected. The results showed that teachers acknowledge the usefulness of ICTs in general and during COVID-19. It was also found that there is diversity in teachers' qualifications and capacities regarding ICT competence and; therefore, ICT training seminars and workshops are urgently needed to meet the present educational requirements.

Mots clés: E- learning ; ICT training ; global pandemic ; teachers’ attitudes

Language communication in the Algerian society Study of the situation of bilingualism in the Shawia area

بن زاوي ابراهيم,  قايدي مختار, 

Résumé: The issue of Language communication is of great importance, especially when it comes to a society like the Algerian society, which knows an enormous linguistic diversity, resulting historically from those nations and civilizations that interacted with this society and interacted with it, so that it influenced and was influenced by it in all its fields. If we speak at the level of the Algerian tongue, We find that it includes more than one language and a local dialect, whether or not it was imported from other nations, which explains the emergence of the state of diglossia, which is a sociolinguistic phenomenon that requires serious scientific study to know the causes of this condition, its impact on society, and its consequences. We have concluded in this study that linguistic upbringing is Among the factors that control the spread of the Chawi dialect and that considering the Arabic language as the language of religion and state makes it an alternative even to the original dialect of the Chawi community. Cultural globalization also played a role in imposing the French language as a second alternative to the Arabic language in the Shawi language, and the Shawi society’s reliance on the oral form rather than writing reduced the use of Shawi’s language.

Mots clés: Language communication ; bilingualism ; dialect ; linguistic upbringing ; , cultural globalization

The symbolic violence in universities and the manipulation of communication. Analysis from Pierre Bordeaux's approach

عليلش حمامة,  عجال آسية, 

Résumé: Abstract: This study explores symbolic violence in higher education institutions, shedding light on the system related to symbolic violence and its role in producing and reproducing class hegemony. The university serves an ideological class function, shaping and reproducing society in its image. This class function occurs in a space of ideological conflict, where the university becomes a symbolic battleground between different class components of society. Symbolic efficacy in the university, as an ideological class practice, is examined in this study. It aims to explore various concepts and perceptions that can reveal the most concealed symbolic class practices within higher education institutions. The study provides an analysis of various symbolic ideological violence practices in the content, language, goals, and underlying relationships in different aspects of education. In short, the study explores the dimensions of the complex relationship between violence and symbolism in the academic space as a symbolic battleground

Mots clés: cultural capital ; economic capital ; higher education institutions ; social status ; Symbolic violence;.

The Role of Security Media and Policing in Protecting Societally Vulnerable Groups

شريطي اسامة,  بن عزوز حاتم, 

الملخص: Abstract:This research paper examines the key police mechanisms used to protect vulnerable groups, emphasizing the importance of community security. These mechanisms include partnerships with society, security media, and patrols. They aim to increase rapprochement between the police institution and various groups, fostering communication. Laws were developed to implement these mechanisms, particularly in response to rising crime rates, particularly towards vulnerable groups. These mechanisms are crucial in international, regional, and national policies and legislation. ملخض:تهدف هذه الورقة البحثية الى تقديم قراءة لاهم الاليات الشرطية المستخدمة لحماية الفئات الهشة مجتمعيا حيث يعد العمل الشرطي من اهم ضروريات تحقيق الامن المجتمعي وذلك وفق اليات متعددة تتارجح بين الشراكة مع المجتمع واستخدام وسائل الاعلام الامني و دوريات الشرطة حيث تهدف هذه الاليات الى زيادة التقارب بين المؤسسة الشرطية و مختلف فئات المجتمع و بالتالي زيادة كثافة الاتصال المؤسسي و الغير المؤسسي حيث تم من خلال ذلك وضع مجموعة من القوانين لتجسيد هذه الاليات على ارض الواقع وذبك تزامنا مع ارتفاع معدلات الجريمة حسب النوع الاجتماعي و خاصة اتجاه الفئات الضعيفة في المجتمع و التي تحظى باهتمام كبير في السياسات و التشريعات الدولية و الاقليمية و الوطنية.

الكلمات المفتاحية: Police work ; Socially vulnerable groups ; ; Partnership with the community ; Security media ; Police patrols

The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Social Value System: A Theoretical Approach to the Phenomenon of Digital Hypocrisy

بادي سامية,  بادي سوهام, 

Résumé: The one in track of the social interaction process through the information and communication technology notices the spread of the hypocrisy and flattery with all their shapes and forms among the members of these virtual communities to a degree where even intellectuals are not spared. Digital hypocrisy became a natural thing a and lifestyle manifested in clear-featured images. It differs from one person to another, regardless of one’s ideologies and beliefs, in accordance with the different situations and the benefit and excuses of each. Hypocrisy is now embodied in propagandas, congratulations, and gratitude, aggrandisement, and glorification of the significant figures of the society in addition to complementing and praising them to the point they appear to be one of the holy people of Allah. Hence , we sought to search this phenomenon through

Mots clés: communication technology ; information technology ; social hypocrisy ; virtual hypocrisy

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