مجلة الرسالة للدراسات الإعلامية

The Journal of El-Ryssala for Media Studies


The journal of El-Ryssala for media studies is a double-blind peer-reviewed, quarterly and free of charge, open-access journal published by the Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences, University of Larbi tebessi – Tebessa , Algeria. It is interested in the dissemination of original applied research, which has not been previously published and which is treated in a documented scientific method in the field of Information and communication sciences. The journal aims are to disseminate sciences within the framework of its specialization. It targets postgraduate students, professors and all researchers, whether in research or academic circles, government departments or social institutions at the national and international levels. The research is published in three languages: Arabic, English and French.


دعوة للنشر

دعوة للنشر

تحضيرا لإصدار المجلد رقم 08 العدد 01 لشهرمارس 2024 (العدد التسلسلي 29)، يسعد هيئة تحرير المجلة أن تنهي إلى علم السادة الباحثين والمهتمين بالنشر في مجلة الرسالة للدراسات الاعلامية، أن فترة استقبال المقالات تبدأ من تاريخ 25 جانفي 2024 إلى غاية 31 جانفي 2024 . على أن تكون المقالات المرسلة باللغة الانجليزية 

ملاحظة هامة:

- لا تقبل المقالات المرسلة بغير اللغة الانجليزية. 

- لا تقبل المقالات المرسلة التي لم تحترم قالب المجلة.

- لا تقبل المقالات التي ترسل بغير الايمايل المهني.


عن رئيس التحرير: أ.د/ بوزيان عبد الغني.









Reality television and cultural education of the child A study in dimensions and effects

جابري سارة,  إيديو ليلى, 

Résumé: The rapid development of the media has led to a tendency to take advantage of this development in all areas.In the present, in which we live in the era of information and globalization, it has become necessary to teach individuals to survive and live in a competitive world, because the methods and technology of education and education are evolving and changing, and here comes the role of Mass Communication Media. And this study deals with an important medium, which is television, and it deals with a very sensitive category, which is children, as it combines the programs broadcast by this medium and what the child acquires from culture by watching them. Television is one of the means that has become the most important in the field of cultural and knowledge communication between nations and Peoples, which has made the world a small village by publishing real-time news and events without any time or spatial hindrance.While children are the kit of the future, the hope of a promising tomorrow, who possess characteristics and characteristics that differ from one age stage to another. And as the child grows and grows up, he relies on exploration and research of what exists, and inquiring about what does not exist, through various sources, the most important of which is television, which has become the first competitor of the family and school.Thanks to its channels and programs, the child is given ideas and information that gain him a certain culture, and therefore he realizes what exists, and satisfies his cognitive needs through this effective means, voice and image.

Mots clés: Reality ; Reality television ; television ; cultural ; cultural education ; child

The Criteria of ethics and deontology during the coverage of the legislative elections by the Algerian TV channels. Comparative analytical study of the media coverage of the referendum to amend the Algerian Constitution 2020.

هدير محمد, 

الملخص: Abstract This study intended as a research on the aspects of ethics and deontology through which can demonstrate the role of information on the political scene as an essential vector of the Algerian popular movement known as (HIRAK). Which demanded a change radical in several areas including information; or on the contrary increase control over information by implementing criteria for regulating information activity. This led us to deal with this issue on the Algerian political scene; who is experiencing a movement and a situation that seem conjectural in the image of what is happening in the Arab world; Or should it be considered as saving in the process of natural political changes that nations are experiencing today. ملخص تهدفا دراستنا إلى تسليط الضوء حول مسألة المعايير الأخلاقية والمهنية باعتبارها مسألة جدلية يمكن من خلالها تفعيل دور الاعلام في المشهد السياسي الجزائري كأحد مخرجات الحراك الجزائري الذي طالب بتغيير جذري على العديد من الأصعدة ومنها الاعلام، أو على العكس توظيف تلك المعايير لتشديد الخناق أكثر على الاعلام وتكثيف النشاط الرقابي للسلطة بمسمى المعايير والضوابط، وهو ما دفعنا للخوض في هذه الجدلية في المشهد السياسي الجزائري الذي يشهد حركية قد تبدو ظرفية وفق ما تشهده المنطقة العربية ككل، أو يمكن اعتبارها صحية في مسار التحولات السياسية التي تشهدها المجتمعات في سيرورتها الطبيعية Résumé Cette étude se veut une recherche sur les aspects d'éthique et de déontologie à travers laquelle ce démontre le rôle de l'information sur la scène politique Algérienne comme vecteur essentiel du mouvement populaire dit (HIRAK). Ce qui exigeait un changement radical dans plusieurs domaines dont celui de l'information ; afin de renforcer le contrôle de l'information en mettant en place des critères de régulation de l'activité informationnelle. Cela nous a conduit à traiter cette question sur la scène politique algérienne qui connaissait une conjecture à l'image de ce qui se passé dans le monde arabe, ou qui se veut salvatrice dans le processus de changements politiques naturels que connaissent les nations aujourd'hui.

الكلمات المفتاحية: Keywords: Ethics, Deontology, News coverage, TV Channels, Elections.

Reality and impact of the use of advanced technology in Algeria's education sector Field study on a sample of education professors in the state of M’sila

بيبي فيصل, 

Résumé: By entering the advanced technology of various walks of life, it has radically changed its pattern at all levels, One area where technology has made a qualitative shift is education In entering the field of education, the latter has produced many positive aspects that have benefited science and learners in educational institutions and Algeria among the countries that have introduced modern technology into education, In order to know the effectiveness of these modern tools on the system of education in general, this study was a reality and the impact of the use of educational technology in educational institutions and we followed the survey curriculum. data collection tool ", which relied on the questionnaire as an essential tool for data collection, the results of which included: Education technology is a successful model in the educational sector, as well as modern technology helps professors develop and develop their teaching skills by streamlining the communication process between the professor and the pupil.

Mots clés: Technology, System, Education, Algeria, Impact, Impact

The Role of Local Broadcast Media in Achieving Sustainable Development: The Algerian Broadcast as a Model

طيب أحمد محمد, 

Résumé: The topic discussed revolves around the role of local broadcast media in sustainable development. The paper presents a conceptual approach to the main used key terms, which allows a good theoretical understanding , and their practical applications in the field. It also explores the dimensions and objectives of development, the historical evolution of local broadcast media in Algeria, their functions and developmental roles, especially in issues related to the extent of its contribution to sustainable development. This is achieved through an exploratory analytical approach to determine the relationship between local media, or what is known as "Community media," and its role in achieving development.

Mots clés: :broadcast ; community media ; local community ; development ; sustainable development

The Role of Media in Disseminating and Combating Corruption in Institutions and Government Administrations A Foresighted Perspective on Reality and Prospects

بلخيري رضوان,  مخلوف طارق, 

Résumé: The media in its various media, especially audiovisual and electronic, which convey the facts live from the scene of the event, has played a key and effective role in showing the corruption practiced by the repressive regimes of freedom and rights, through which the ranks united across the entire world, whether in solidarity and synergy or help and support, or followed the same direction to get rid of the corruption that state institutions, including the disadvantages or rather the corruption occurring in them of various kinds, administrative, political, economic, cultural... This was approved by the United Nations Convention on corruption, which stressed the need to involve the media in the fight against corruption due to the great role they play, so it was necessary to open channels of communication between the media and various state agencies without restrictions preventing access to information and media access to the latter, the imbalance in these agencies will be revealed and thus the possibility of identifying the mechanism that addresses it and eliminate it..

Mots clés: Media ; Mass Media ; Corruption ; Institutions ; Government Administrations ; Reality ; Prospects

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