الإبتكار والتنمية الصناعية
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 65-82

Mechanisms Used To Benefit From Immigrants’ Competencies: An Analytical Study Of The Various Effects Of The Brain Drain Phenomenon On The Economies Of Developing Countries

Authors : Filali Tarek .


Abstract: In order to achieve the main goals of the study, the researcher tried to determine how skilled workers drain can have either economic or social effects on the economy of sending countries. The findings of the study have demonstrated that brain drain certainly has negative impacts on the sending countries, but not to the point of making it the major source economic backwardness. In addition. The study also proved that Brain Drain can have positive effects on sending countries. The study also concluded that Diasporas as well as circular mobility can be considered as one of the most effective mechanism used to deal with the negative effects of the brain drain phenomenon.


Brain Drain ; Brain gain ; Diasporas ; Circular moblity