Algerian Journal of Human and Social Sciences
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 366-379

Towards Effective Research Publication: A Comprehensive Review Of Scientific Journal Platforms In Algeria

Authors : Boumediene Houda .


Currently, many researchers across all fields are exploring new technologies to create new research. The rise of social media platforms has significantly changed how people communicate and interact, and researchers are interested in understanding how these platforms can be used alongside computational resources to facilitate digital research. A platform is a web application that allows users to manage website content without requiring technical knowledge. Journal platforms facilitate the exchange, reading, and creation of academic research, and researchers can access papers, data sets, and other research artifacts with open free access. However, many novice Algerian researchers and Ph.D. students are not yet familiar with these platforms, and some struggle to use digital platforms like ASJP. This paper aims to examine the most prominent journal platforms, including ASJP, ResearchGate, Mendeley, Google Scholar, and Moodle, and to evaluate their advantages through descriptive analysis. Additionally, the paper will highlight the components and services of these platforms which every researcher needs to know before publishing academic research in Algeria, as mastering digital platforms has been a subject of continuing study


academic research ; digital platforms ; novice researchers ; publishing ; journal platforms