التكامل الاقتصادي
Volume 10, Numéro 4, Pages 139-158

Paper Title (migrants' Remittances And Their Impact On Some Macroeconomic Variables In Algeria: An Analytical Study For A Period Betwen (2000-2020).)

Authors : Bellahmar Hadj . Hamza Ali .


The importance of this topic lies in analyzing the impact of migrant variables by presenting the basic concepts of immigrants' financial transfer, as well as its types and determinants, and finally its relationship to some macroeconomic ariables ،Highlighting the importance of remittances from immigrants in reducing the unemployment rate, as well as raising the rate of economic growth and the balance of the balance of payments in Algeria. The descriptive approach was chosen in an analytical study for the period between the year 2000 to 2020 ،The results concluded that there is a positive relationship for both the balance of payments and the GDP, inversely to both unemployment, inflation and the real exchange rate. The results also showed that the Corona crisis had the effect of paralyzing the global economy, which would affect these variables away from the remittances of immigrants.


Keywords: migrant remittances, balance of payments, inflation, unemployment, GDP, Algeria. ; JEL Classification Codes:F22-F24-E31-P44-H70