المجلة الدولية للاتصال الاجتماعي
Volume 9, Numéro 2, Pages 669-688

The Impact Of Social Networks On Foreign Language Learning; Case Study: First Year University Students

Authors : Boukhalkhal Abdeldjebar . Khalki Smaine .


The impact and role of social networks have become increasingly visible in our daily lives. This communication and learning tools have revolutionized the education system. They are increasingly used by professionals, teachers and students to communicate with each other. The present study is based on a case study that investigates the impact of social networks on learning English as a foreign language at Tahri Mohamed University (Béchar) in order to examine the benefits foreign language classroom students and teachers can derive from Social Networks Sites. The study aims principally to examine the use of social networks in higher education as means to enhance the quality and flexibility of teaching and learning programs in order to find out the effectiveness and importance of social networks tools on foreign language learning and teaching. Education; Facebook; Foreign language; Social networks; Teachers


Education ; Faebook ; Foreign Language ; Social Netwoks ; Teahers