المجلة الدولية للاتصال الاجتماعي

The International Journal of Social Communication


The International Journal of Social Communication, issued by the laboratory of media and communication studies , is concerned with theoretical and empirical research, and seeks to provide new approaches to the phenomena of communication and media from innovative perspective , based on deep and consolidate critical thinking which aims to question the current concepts and empirical trends, and which try through analytical methods and scientific inquiry to interpret and understand the relationship between the indicators of the phenomena of new media and communication and to dissect their manifestations, both in the Arab and Islamic world and in the global context. The journal gives special attention to research that focuses on social, civilizational and value-based variables, and which intends to approach the psychological and social behavior of social agents and their complex relationship to society in general.


Call for Proposals: International Journal of Social Communication

Call for Proposals: International Journal of Social Communication

Dear Researchers and Scholars,

The editorial board of the International Journal of Social Communication is pleased to announce the

opening of submissions for our upcoming September issue. We invite original research articles,

reviews, and theoretical papers that contribute to the advancement of social communication studies.

Key Dates:

• Submission Opening Date: June 5, 2024

• Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024

• Publication Date: September 2024

Topics of Interest: We are particularly interested in manuscripts that explore, but are not limited to, the

following areas:

• Media and Communication Studies

• Social Media and Digital Communication

• Interpersonal and Organizational Communication

• Communication Theory and Methodology

• Cultural and Critical Communication

• Health Communication

• Political Communication

• Communication and Technology

Submission Guidelines:

• Manuscripts should be written in English and follow the template of the journal.

• All submissions must be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

• Manuscripts should include an abstract (250 words maximum) and a list of keywords.

• Articles should not exceed 8,000 words, including references, tables, and figures.

• Please note that English is the only accepted language for submissions.

How to Submit:

• Please submit your manuscript through our online submission system


• Ensure that your manuscript adheres to the journal’s formatting guidelines, which can be found

on our website

Review Process: All submissions will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process. Authors

will be notified of the review results within six weeks of submission.

For further information or inquiries, please contact the editorial board at [insert contact email here].

We look forward to receiving your submissions and contributing to the ongoing discourse in social


Best regards,

Pr. Larbi Bouamama Editor Board International Journal of Social Communication








Arab Muslim migrants in Europe between to be save or integrate, a feminist ethnographic study

Drim Fatima Zahra, 

Résumé: Our study belongs to the gender ethnographic type, as it is concerned with Muslim women immigrants from North Africa to Europe, as it describes in the form of an ethnographic report their lifestyle there between saved from their society or integration into a different society. The non-probability sample using the participant observation, immersion, coexistence, direct and indirect interview observation tool was specific to the time of the epidemic for a period of three years from November 2018 to December 2021, these women varied in their scientific and practical levels, their intellectual orientations, their ages and their social statuses, which necessitated the reliance on the gender approach and feminist ethnography As a theoretical approach that explains the manifestations of the life of Muslim women between the culture of the country of origin and integration into the future society.

Mots clés: female immigrants ; being saved ; integrate ; feminist ethnography

معوقات التعليم الالكتروني وآليات تفعيله في الجامعة الجزائرية

كروش نوال, 

الملخص: يعتبر التعليم الالكتروني أحد أهم الأنماط التعليمية التي تتجاوز الحدود المكانية ، ونظرا للحالة الوبائية التي يعيشها العالم فقد وجدت المؤسسات نفسها مجبرة على هذا النمط التعليمي . وتعد الجامعة الجزائرية أحد المؤسسات التي انتهجت التعليم الالكتروني بغية مزاولة نشاط العملية التعليمية بأقل ضرر حفاظا على الأرواح ، خلال هذه الورقة البحثية نسلط الضوء على المعيقات التي واجهتها خلال هذه التجربة ، من أجل معالجتها بغية تطوير التعليم الإلكتروني مستقبلا في الجامعة الجزائرية . The development that the world has witnessed in information and communication technologies has led to the discovery of new ways to improve and develop life. Online learning is one manifestation of this development, as the transition to this new form has become an urgent necessity for higher quality education. Online learning takes place through different platforms, the educational process between teacher and student.

الكلمات المفتاحية: التعليم الالكتر ; ني ; المنصة ; م ; دل ; الجامعة ; العملية التعليمية

Ethics of the library and information professionals in Algeria

غوار عفيف, 

Résumé: Professional ethics constitutes a core and fundamental center in organizing, conducting and developing the concept of service in information systems and libraries, which conveys message of scientific research and professional development in libraries in recent time. The meaning or concept of library services came with respect to Professional ethics as an objective and basic perception in the various new messages of the different systems. It is true to say that there is a kind of real development of contemporary organizations in the development of the concept or mission of professional ethics with the important role it plays. Unusually, documentation institutions and libraries did not relate to this role that comes from the field of communication, which is part of mediation process. Currently in libraries, it is important to come to term with role of professional ethics in adopting a new concept that aim at developing and maintaining services and this is what shapes profession of documentation institutions, which is the collection and dissemination of information.

Mots clés: Professional Ethics ; ; Information Libraries ; Sources of Ethics

قراءة في كتاب Qu’est-ce que le patrimoine numérique: une sémiologie de la circulation des archives?

قوميد فتيحة, 

الملخص: كتاب , Qu’est-ce que le patrimoine numérique ? Une sémiologie de la circulation des archives لمؤلفه Matteo Treleani من الكتب التي لاقت رواجا كبيرا في الآونة الأخيرة وأسالت الكثير من الحبر باللغة الفرنسية وحتى اللغة الإنجليزية، فكل من يكتب عن التراث الرقمي أو الأرشيف إلا ويستشهد بهذا لكتاب فرغبتنا في هذه القراءة ليس من باب الاشهار أو الترويج للكتاب أو لمؤلفه وانما هي قراءة علمية تحث الباحثين في مجال التراث والأرشيف بشكل خاص على التعرف اكثر بالأفكار أو الطرح الذي قدمه المؤلف لإعادة التفكير في كيفية حفظ التراث الرقمي وخاصة ما تعلق منه بالأرشيف الرقمي أو الأرشيف الذي تم رقمنته، هذا الأخير الذي يعتبر المساهم الأصيل في تقدم المجتمعات الإنسانية وتطورها مستقبلا. Abstract: Qu’est-ce que le patrimoine numérique ? Une sémiologie de la circulation des archive: is one of Matteo Treleani's books which has enjoyed great popularity in recent times and has caused a lot of ink to flow in French and even in English. Everyone who deals with digital heritage or archives cites it, our concern is not to advertise or promote either the author or his work. It is a purely scientific reading which encourages researchers in the field of heritage and archives in particular to learn more about the ideas proposed by the author. in order to rethink how to preserve digital heritage, especially what concerns digital archives or digitized archives, these being considered as the original contributor to the progress and development of human societies in the future.

الكلمات المفتاحية: الأرشيف ; تدا ; ل الأرشيف ; الرقمنة ; التراث الرقمي

Communicative Artificial Intelligence as a New Domain of Research in Media and Communication: Epistemological and Theoretical Reading الذكاء الاصطناعي التواصلي مجال بحثي جديد في الإعلام والاتصال: قراءة إبستمولوجية ونظرية

بن جداه عمر,  رمضان الخامسة, 

الملخص: This study examines the epistemological and theoretical dimensions of "Communicative Artificial Intelligence," an emerging area of inquiry in contemporary Western academia. The aim is to elucidate the intersections and interactions between this domain and media and communication studies. The investigation assesses how researchers might employ a communicative framework to analyze the relationship between artificial intelligence and journalism. Additionally, it discusses the necessity for scholars to seek novel theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches in response to the expanding role of intelligent technology. The findings underscore the need to reconsider the conventional understanding of "communication" in light of advancements in artificial intelligence and its applications in media. It advocates for a paradigm shift, acknowledging both human and machine entities as participants in the communicative process. This acknowledgment reflects the evolution of intelligent technology from a mere communication tool to an active communication collaborator. نستهدف البحث في الجوانب الإبستمولوجية والنظرية لمجال "الذكاء الاصطناعي التواصلي" باعتباره حقلا بحثيا ناشئا في الدراسات الغربية الحديثة. ونهدف من خلال ذلك إلى بيان نقاط التجاسر والتداخل بين هذا المجال ودراسات الإعلام والاتصال، واستكشاف كيف يمكننا كباحثين من استخدام مقاربة اتصالية في دراسة العلاقة بين الذكاء الاصطناعي والصحافة، ولماذا يفرض علينا الدور المتزايد للتكنولوجيا الذكية البحث عن مفاهيم ومقاربات نظرية جديدة، وتنويع المنهجيات. ويَخلص البحث إلى استنتاج مهم يتمثل في ضرورة إعادة التفكير في مفهوم "الاتصال" الذي لم يعد يستوعب تطورات الذكاء الاصطناعي وتطبيقاته بمجال الإعلام. وذلك من خلال تغيير نظرتنا لطرفي العملية الاتصالية –المرسل والمتلقي- من كونهم "بشرًا" إلى "آلة"، نظرا لأن التكنولوجيا الذكية لم تبقى مجرد وسيلة اتصالية، فقد تغيرت إلى شريك في الاتصال.

الكلمات المفتاحية: Communicative Artificial Intelligence ; Human-Machine Communication ; Communication Automation ; Communication Theory ; Journalism ; الذكاء الاصطناعي التواصلي ; التواصل بين الإنسان والآلة ; أتمتة الاتصال ; نظريات الاتصال ; الصحافة

Electronic flies and the fake news industry: a new generation of wars on Arab cyberspace

خامت حميدة,  رزوق كمال, 

Résumé: Recently, the virtual environment space was defined with social networks, the phenomenon of electronic flies, and it is a group of people or automated programmed accounts that publish fabricated news in order to direct or change the direction of public opinion to a specific idea, which is one of the tools of war this phenomenon has been widely recognized in the fragile space of the Arab environment. In order to guide Arab public opinion, and therefore we seek in this paper to clarify what is meant by electronic flies, as well as to identify its implications for Arab public opinion and ways to confront them.

Mots clés: Electronic flies ; Electronic committees ; Fake news ; Cyberspace ; Social Media ; Cyber warfare

Awareness and Understanding of Deepfakes Among University Students in Bangladesh

Akter Mst. Nasrin,  Rhaman Md. Mofizur, 

Résumé: The recent rise of deepfake technology has raised global concerns, extending to Bangladesh. This generative artificial intelligence-based technology is being used with the intention of disseminating political misinformation, spreading hatred, and targeting women to cause them harm. This creates serious concerns for society by threatening peace, democracy, harmony. The current study investigated the extent to which the youth population of Bangladesh are aware of deepfakes. It explored the level of media literacy among them and their ability to discern between genuine and manipulated content. Methodologically, the study employed surveys using a set of questionnaires of 19 questions. The survey data revealed that a substantial majority of respondents had prior knowledge of the term "deepfake," but there still is a notable percentage of respondents who have never heard of deepfakes, suggesting the existence of a knowledge gap. Data also suggested that many students lacked a formal introduction to deepfake and its possible implications and consequences for society, compounded by the perception among some that deepfakes are merely a form of entertainment. Massive educational campaigns in schools, colleges, and universities came out as the most prominent strategy for combating deepfake technology, followed by educational program, workshops and seminars.

Mots clés: Deepfake ; Media Literacy ; Deepfake Awareness ; Youth population ; Deepfake in Bangladesh ; Generative Artificial Intelligence

الريبورتاج الفيلمي بين الجماليّة السينمائيّة والمرجعيّة الوظيفيّة

يعقيل كمال, 

الملخص: تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تسليط الضوء على أحد أبرز الأنواع الصحفية التي جمعت بين الفن والمهنيةّ، وهو الرببورتاج الفيلمي الذي يعد نقلا للواقع وتصويرا للأحداث في شكل إبداعي وفنّي من حيث طريقة عرضه وتقديمه. حيث استلهم هذا النوع الإعلامي التلفزيوني من السينما وتقنياتها وآليتها ما يجعلنا نقرّ بأنّه عرض إبداعي وإخراجي بامتياز. وعليه، سنركز على مدى الانسجام والتداخل بين المادة الخام للريبورتاج الفيلمي، وبين خصوصيته السينمائية، كونه خطابا فيلميا جمع بين الجمالية الإخراجية والوظيفية المرجعية. فكيف استثمر الريبورتاج هذه الآليات السينمائية لبلوغ غايته الإخبارية والوظيفية؟ وهل العرض البصري والمرئي السينمائي للريبورتاج بشكل شيق وجذاب، قد يغنينا عن العودة إلى خلفيته الإعلامية ومصداقيته الحرفية، بصفته نوعا إخباريّا واستطلاعيّا في المقام الأول؟

الكلمات المفتاحية: الريبورتاج ; الخطاب الفيلمي ; السينما ; المرجعيّة الوظيفية ; الإعلام

Facebook as a Public Space for Discussing Political Issues in Algeria: Algerian Popular Movement as a Model

بلهادي وسام,  طلحة إلياس, 

Résumé: This research is conducted within a descriptive-analytical framework, scrutinizing the role of Facebook as a dynamic virtual public sphere in navigating and orchestrating discourse on diverse political matters, as well as in identifying the pivotal stakeholders involved. Uniquely, Facebook transcends traditional boundaries, embracing a myriad of social layers instead of catering exclusively to specific societal groups. A defining feature of this virtual arena is its emancipation from traditional media’s ‘gatekeeper’, offering an unparalleled level of freedom. This attribute was particularly evident during the Algerian popular movement, as activists exploited various expressive avenues through Facebook, both in support of and opposition to the movement. This platform not only amplified discussions on myriad pertinent issues but also served as a conduit for the movement’s oscillation between virtual and tangible realities. This transformation saw demonstrators employing Facebook not only to interpret real-world scenarios but also to forecast forthcoming developments, a phenomenon that this study will explore in-depth.

Mots clés: Facebook ; Public Space ; Political Issues ; Algerian Popular Movement

Algorithmic Journalism and Metaverse Media innovative prospects in digital content creation.

بن مليط سلمى, 

Résumé: This study, titled Algorithmic Journalism and Metaverse Media innovative prospects in digital content creation, aims to identify new concepts brought about by the digital transformation in the field of media and communication sciences, most notably algorithmic journalism and metaverse media, digital content, content creators, avatars, podcasts, In addition to revealing the methods and skills that content creators have in creating effective and innovative digital content, distinctive to attract virtual audiences in the world of metaverse, users of electronic platforms and modern digital applications, This study also seeks to provide a strategic forward-looking vision for specialists about the extent to which journalism and media can benefit from AI applications and algorithms in media work, identify the existing relationship between AI journalism and metaverse media, and identify the most important concerns and challenges facing media and journalism in the era of artificial intelligence and augmented reality technologies. Cette étude, intitulée Journalisme algorithmique et médias métavers, vise à identifier les nouveaux concepts induits par la transformation numérique dans le domaine des médias et des sciences de la communication, notamment le journalisme algorithmique, les médias métavers, le contenu numérique, les créateurs de contenu, les avatars, les podcasts, en plus de révéler les méthodes et les compétences dont disposent les créateurs de contenu pour créer un contenu numérique efficace et innovant, propre à attirer des audiences virtuelles dans le monde des métavers, des utilisateurs de plateformes électroniques et d'applications numériques modernes, cette étude vise également à fournir une vision stratégique prospective pour les spécialistes sur l'avenir des médias.

Mots clés: Algorithmic journalism; meta-media; digital content; content creators; digitization

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