مجلة معهد العلوم الإقتصادية
Volume 26, Numéro 2, Pages 215-233

Time Series Forecasting Of Employment In The Crafts And Handicrafts Sector In The Wilaya Of Blida For The Period 1999-2022: An Application Of The Tramo-seats Method

Authors : Hamadouche Aicha . Azzazi Farida .


This research paper aims to forecast employment trends in the crafts and handicrafts sector of Blida, Algeria, using the TRAMO-SEATS method. The crafts and handicrafts sector plays a significant role in the local economy of Blida, making it crucial to understand the employment patterns and make informed decisions. The TRAMO-SEATS method is a widely used technique for time series analysis and forecasting, specifically designed for dealing with seasonal and trend components in the data. By applying this method to the employment data, using R program, we can generate accurate forecasts, enabling stakeholders to make strategic decisions and develop effective policies to promote growth in the crafts and handicrafts sector.


Modelling ; Forecasting ; ARIMA Models ; Crafts and Handicrafts Sector ; ; TRAMO-SEATS