Revue des Sciences Humaines & Sociales
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 169-186

L’image De L’école Publique Algérienne Chez Les Parents D’élèves

Auteurs : Rachid Bessai .


This study aims at treating a problematic that is a part of the sociology of family-school interactions so as to try to understand the complexities combining the two institutions. We will, through this article, analyze the representations of the parents of public school pupils in Algeria to see how parents consider the school. We will try, through a qualitative sociological approach, to study their representations of the current school compared to the one they had in the past, and to see what has really changed in the school. Finally, we will attempt to answer one of the major issues of our study: does school raise the interest of parents and families as a means of ?social advancement

Mots clés

social representations, Public school, Parents, social mobility, Attitudes