Volume 14, Numéro 1, Pages 1204-1214

The Cultural Role Of The Private Libraries In Western Sudan Country During(8-9)th Centuries A H.

Authors : Djouad Moussa . Kouidri Khatir .


This study aims to show the importance of books and private libraries in western Sudan country. Because of the continued encouragement of science (Al’ilm) and the jurists from all people there. Especially, the governors and scholars were so interested in bringing and copying lots of books. Even if it’s necessary, They would imported more from abroad at an expensive prices. They held a lot of libraries and archieve centers, for copying, reconfiguring, arranging and coordinating books. Most of the the private libraries were taken place in the house of the scholars and the jurists. Then their sons and students had inherited them since the (8-9)th centuries AH.


Libraries ;Books ;Scholars ;Western Sudan; students.