Beam Journal of Economic Studies
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 340-359

أثر جودة الحياة الوظيفية على الرغبة في المغادرة لدى الأساتذة في جامعة قسنطينة 2

الكاتب : بوشلوش عبد الحليم .


This study aims to identify the extent of the impact of quality of work life on the intention to leave in the Algerian university. In order to achieve this objective, we made a field study at the University of Constantine 2, where we witnessed the reality of the quality of work life and the level of intention to leave this university, as well as studying the relationship between these concepts through a questionnaire that was distributed to the university professors. The reached results have shown the average level of the quality of work life in this organization and also the weak degree of the intention to leave of its professors, the results also indicated the existence of a relatively negative, strong, and significant relationship between quality of work life and intention to leave.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Quality of Work Life ; Intention to leave ; Turnover ; University of Constantine2 ; Algerian university