المجلة الجزائرية للأبحاث والدراسات
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 428-439

A Stateless Nation: Why The Kurds Still Do Not Have A State?

Authors : Laarid Hocine .


This study is discussing the Kurds' question as to the most important and complex issue after the Arab-Israeli conflict and the most complicated one in contemporary times, particularly, in the failure of these people to make their own country in the New Middle East. Also, it is discussing some various difficulties faced by Kurdish nationalism, due to the fact that the Kurds are geographically distributed in four countries in the Middle East such as; Iran; Iraq; Syria, and Turkey. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the causes and objectives of the Kurds in establishing a sovereign state, and why they face obstacles in achieving this, especially in light of the escalation of their resonance in the political agendas of the countries of the region and international actors.


The Kurds ; Turkey ; Iran ; Iraq ; Syria