Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 77-98

الأثر الاجتماعي لعقوبة العمل للنفع العام على المحكوم عليه

الكاتب : Cherifi Sarah .


Since the creation of criminal law the prison’s penalty has always taken the main ground penalties’list, Whereas this penalty majority used in nearly every kind of law infraction. Otherwise, this penalty has never been an issue on the ancient time until the instauration of new penitentiary politics that attend to modernize the provided penalties and its measurement, the needed change was due to the consequences of prison’s penalty application to the society and to the condemned his self, specialty long period penalties, for those reasons legislators over the word started to rewrite its legislatures in order to line with the new penitentiary politics by promoting auxiliary penalties such as work for general interest, wich concluded by changing the criminal’s society judgment from a forbidden and execrable to a mind healthy and liable person

الكلمات المفتاحية

العمل للنفع العام، العقوبة السالبة للحرية قصيرة المدة، العقوبة البديلة، إعادة الإدماج، المؤسسة العقابية.