مجلة البحوث السياسية و الادارية
Volume 4, Numéro 2, Pages 139-150
الكاتب : حسان هشام . حجاج المداني .
organizational justice is considered as an important value upon which the most successful modern organizations, which attach great care as reflected in these high value of B at individuals, and which is visible through a good performance and strength, and for their loyalty to the organization belonging to her, organizational Justice of the three dimensions ( distributive justice, equity transactions, procedural fairness), and which are not agreed upon by many researchers and scholars, is to ensure the stability of individuals and that can not be explained only through job and loyalty to the organization, the latter of which can not guarantee the continuity and good performance only by applying a set of organizational values, perhaps the most important organizational justice, and the university as a social partner has implications affecting the rest of the social structures it is bound to take care of that and organizational justice.
- Oganizational values. - Organizational justice. - Job stability
بن دهقان طاهر
حران العربي
ص 301-316.
جقيدل زليخة
بوفاتح محمد
ص 210-222.
عائشة بن الصغير
حسيـــــن بوداود
ص 113-128.
بشير كروم
ص 95-120.
أحمد حجاج
بن سعدة أمال
ص 35-58.