المجلة الجزائرية للأبحاث والدراسات
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 24-35

The Manifestations Of The Cultural Values Crisis Caused By Social Media At The Family Context.

Authors : Regad Halima .


This paper attempts to study the most prominent problems and incursions produced by individuals’ interaction on social media platforms, and how family roles have been affected by them. It is based on the fact that social media is a user-generated content platform that takes part in a bigger techno-economic and cultural globalization network, which in turn contributes in diversifying the options and sources of knowledge acquisition and builds new intellectual and value perceptions at the extent of the traditional ones. Beside this broad question, a number of secondary problematics are to be drawn: - The definition and history of social media. - How can social media be the responsible for the creation of social problems at the family level? - How can these family problems be avoided?


Cultural Crisis; ; Family Context ; Social Media ; Social Problem ; values