مجلة علوم الإنسان والمجتمع
Volume 12, Numéro 3, Pages 96-113

School Curricula Between Modernity And Postmodernity At Primary Schools. A Study Of Concepts And Perceptions

Authors : Tamersit Fadoua . Malki Hanan .


Discussing primary school models is a thorny issue that expresses each compound of ideology, the formulation of educational policies, and education and global openness. This study clarifies the moderity curriculum model that depicts rationality at the top, and prints personality on individualism and pragmatism in the development of knowledge with its methodology which dominated the educational system by taking a distinct model of transforming children into commodities for marketing its future ambitions. The postmodernity reaction and criticism of individualism and pragmatism arise towards intellectual freedom to guide the pupil’s scientific criticism to extract what is right from what is wrong to build a good future for the children of this world.


School curricula ; postmodernity ; meta-curricula ; future generation.