المجلة العلمية للتربية البدنية و الرياضية
Volume 23, Numéro 1, Pages 377-385

Lactatemia During Intermittent In-line And Shuttle Effort

Authors : Khoudir Sofiane .


The aim of this study was to explore physiological adaptations and blood lactatemia during high-intensity intermittent exercise, highlighting the impact of changes in direction during shuttle exercise. Two protocols were compared: one in line and one in shuttle with different intensities. This research is of major interest for quantifying intermittent training, particularly in team sports, in order to improve athlete monitoring. The experimental study was carried out on a sample of 10 male subjects, S.T.P.S.A students at Mohamed Lamine Debaghine University. The results of the statistical analysis revealed that intermittent shuttle training influences athletes' performance differently from line training, and that changes in direction during the shuttle running protocol resulted in a significant increase in lactatemia.


Lactate ; Line intermittent training ; Shuttle intermittent training