El-Tawassol التواصل
Volume 29, Numéro 4, Pages 17-31

Astroturfing And Public Relations A New Perspective Of Communication

Authors : Douida Amina .


Communication and public relations practitioners are sometimes criticized for their use of inauthentic strategies. Among them, astroturfing consists in simulating public opinion while keeping one's identity secret. This issue raises ethical questions in democratic societies and a scientific literature is developing on the subject. However, it appears that many definitions of the concept of astroturfing coexist, thus complicating its study. This article proposes a comprehensive definition of astroturfing that overcomes some of the pitfalls identified in a systematic literature review. Based on this definition, a clear typology of astroturfing tactics is then established. Next, a contingency model is proposed to situate communication tactics on a continuum ranging from grassroots to astroturf. This model is then illustrated by three case studies demonstrating the hybridity that certain groups and certain communication operations possess. This hybridity raises the question of communication authenticity, with consequences on how public relations practioners are perceived in the society. Disambiguating the concept and analyzing different cases pave the way for solution to identify such tactics in the future.


astroturfing ; authenticity ; public relations ; disinformation, ; grassroots