أبعاد إقتصادية
Volume 13, Numéro 2, Pages 250-269

Ai-powered Marketing Public Relations: Maximizing Customer Engagement And Building Lasting Relations

Authors : Boudersa Ahmed . Hafsi Houda .


This research paper presents a comprehensive review of the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in public relations to optimize customer engagement and relations. Relevant articles on AI in Public Relations were identified from various academic databases and platforms. The literature-based evaluation involved analyzing approximately 40 research publications, including articles, blogs, and books related to the topic. The study highlights the impact of AI on (PR), focusing on its role in enhancing customer service and providing personalized recommendations, driving efficiency and cost savings, utilizing digital and robot services in customer interactions, and enabling proactive engagement. Through a critical analysis of the literature, this paper addresses the research questions and offers insights into how AI integration influences (PR) strategies to optimize customer engagement and relations.


Artificial intelligence ; Marketing ; Public Relations ; Customer ; Optimizing