أبعاد إقتصادية

Abaad Iktissadia Review


Journal descption: Abaad Iktissadia review is an International periodic scientific peer reviewed academic free Journal, published by the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Business and Management Sciences at University of M'hamed Bougerra Boumerdes, published at the first time in 2011 in one volume in one copy, and since the sixth issue in 2016, it is published in two copies in an annual volume (The first one at the end of June and the second at the end of December of each year). It is a journal that publishes research and scientific studies related to economics, business and management sciences in Arabic, English and French languages, with high quality and Scientific originality and scientific methodology and terms recognized in academic research. The journal is published in all printed and electronic media and is available for reading and download on the Algerian Scientific Journal platform.


آجال استقبال المقالات

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

تعلن هيئة تحرير المجلة انه وتحضيرا لاصدار عدد جوان فان آجال استقبال المقالات مفتوحة حاليا باللغات الثلاث العربية، الانجليزية والفرنسية

لهذا يرجى من السادة الباحثين الراغبين في ايداع مقالاتهم بالمجلة ضرورة مراعاة شروط المجلة لاسيما تناول مواضيع مستجدة في مختلف المجالات الاقتصادية، الاصالة، الجدية في التحليل وكذا مختلف الشروط الشكلية للقالب

كما ننوه السادة الباحثين ان نسبة الاقتباس المسموح بها وفق شروط المنصة لابد ان لا تتجاوز 30 بالمئة

بالتوفيق للجميع








The role of institutional risk in Algerian SME development: Empirical study

حماش صورية,  لغىيمة امينة, 

Résumé: The development of the SME sector is becoming a major preoccupation for certain countries, particularly in the developing countries. This article aims to understand the influence of institutional risk on the development of SMEs in Algeria. We have applied the ARDL approach from 1999 to 2021. The results suggest that the institutional environment has a significant influence on the development of SMEs in the country. Improving socio-economic conditions will lead to the development of SMEs in Algeria. Corruption is another factor that significantly explains the growth of SMEs. The results show that there is a positive relationship between corruption and SMEs.

Mots clés: Institutional risk, SME’s, Corruption, Socio-economic condition, ARDL, Algeria

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