أبعاد إقتصادية

Abaad Iktissadia Review


Journal descption: Abaad Iktissadia review is an International periodic scientific peer reviewed academic free Journal, published by the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Business and Management Sciences at University of M'hamed Bougerra Boumerdes, published at the first time in 2011 in one volume in one copy, and since the sixth issue in 2016, it is published in two copies in an annual volume (The first one at the end of June and the second at the end of December of each year). It is a journal that publishes research and scientific studies related to economics, business and management sciences in Arabic, English and French languages, with high quality and Scientific originality and scientific methodology and terms recognized in academic research. The journal is published in all printed and electronic media and is available for reading and download on the Algerian Scientific Journal platform.


آجال استقبال المقالات

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

تعلن هيئة تحرير المجلة انه وتحضيرا لاصدار عدد جوان فان

آخر أجل لاستقبال المقالات سيكون

يوم 30/04/2024


بالتوفيق للجميع






