FORUM DE L' ENSEIGNANT منتدى الأستاذ
Volume 19, Numéro 1, Pages 759-781

Effectiveness Of Eye Movement Desensitization And Reprocessing Treatment In Relieving Symptoms Of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (ptsd) And Related Disorders (anxiety And Depression) In A Sample Of Women Who Were Raped

Authors : Aitgueni Ssaid Naima .


The study aimed to prove the efficacy of treatment desensitization and reprocessing by eye movements in relieving symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and its accompanying disorders, which we identified in both depression and anxiety in 10 cases of women who experienced rape. For this purpose, we used a set of scales (PCLS scale to measure PTSD, Beck scale for depression, Hamilton scale to measure anxiety, and dissociative experiences scale to exclude women with dissociative disorder as an antidote) in addition to the application of the standard protocol for desensitization and retreatment Through eye movements in its eight stages. The results revealed that there were statistically significant and clinically significant differences in the three scales (post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety) in favor of the pre-measurement. For rape, and the rest of the other past events and to establish the positive thoughts that the examinees wished to embody at the moment of the traumatic encounter, the current situations that continued to provoke turmoil among the subjects were targeted.


Post-traumatic stress disorder ; desensitization and eye reprocessing ; rape ; anxiety ; depression