Volume 20, Numéro 2, Pages 49-91

In The Footsteps Of The Foggaras

Authors : Remini Boualem .


Throughout the period 1992-2022, we searched for foggaras in the depths of the Algerian Sahara. Herein, an original classification of foggaras as well as a map of geographical locations of foggaras has been established. We have inventoried approximately 2390 foggaras made in the four corners of the Algerian Sahara for more than 20 centuries. With new names, nine types of foggaras have been established according to the nature of the water resources exploited. These are the Erg foggara, garden foggara, Albian foggara, Kenadsa foggara, Ouakda foggara, wadi foggara, foggara of Mzab, foggara of Ziban and foggara of Ain. Two modes of sharing the waters of the foggaras have been highlighted. Ingeniously, the volumetric mode is more interesting since it allows the distribution of water in parallel, and therefore, the irrigation of gardens can be ensured at any time. Contrary to the time mode, the distribution of water is performed alternately, and therefore, irrigation is carried out in series. The article has highlighted the originality of the foggara of the Sahara, which lies in its diversity of catchment sources and the principle of water sharing between the co-owners. Unfortunately, today, this cultural heritage risks being lost in a few years, since of the 2390 foggaras read, only 15% are in service. It is time to highlight a strategy to safeguard these foggaras.


Volumetric Foggara ; hourly Foggara ; Sahara ; Erg ; Albien ; Garden