افاق فكرية
Volume 10, Numéro 2, Pages 433-447

The Violence Against Children In Algeria: An Analytical Study Through The Sixth Cluster Survey Database

Authors : Hachem Amel . Benabed Amelaicha .


Abstract: One of the human rights pursued by governmental and non-governmental organizations is to fight violence in all its forms, including violence against children, and the absence of this right is therefore a violation of one of the most important rights.Violence against children is one of the most visible phenomena and global problems. Reports by international and humanitarian organizations concerned with children indicate that millions of children throughout the world, particularly in Third World countries, suffer from various forms of violence. Like the rest of the world, Algeria has witnessed a marked rise in violence against children in recent years. This article aims to highlight the reality of violence against children between 1 and 14, based on Cluster Survey Database VI (2018-2019). Study showed that there were weak differences by place ofresidence and sex and a direct relationship between the phenomenon of violence and the age of the child, and children with special needs were more vulnerable to violence than the rest of the children Key-words: Emotional violence- Children - Violence against Children - Physical Violence. ملخص: منحقوقالإنسانالتيتنتهجهاالمنظماتالحكوميةوغيرالحكوميةمكافحةالعنفبجميعأشكالهبمافيذلكالعنفضدالأطفال،وبالتاليفإنغيابهذاالحقيعدانتهاكاًلواحدمنأهمالحقوق.يعتبرالعنفضدالأطفالمنأبرزالظواهروالمشاكلالعالمية. تشيرتقاريرالمنظماتالدوليةوالإنسانيةالمعنيةبالأطفالإلىأنملايينالأطفالفيجميعأنحاءالعالم،وخاصةفيدولالعالمالثالث،يعانونمنأشكالمختلفةمنالعنف،مثلبقيةالعالم،شهدتالجزائرارتفاعًاملحوظًافيالعنفضدالأطفالفيالسنواتالأخيرة. تهدفهذهالمقالةإلىتسليطالضوءعلىواقعالعنفضدالأطفالبين 1 و14سنة،بناءًعلىقاعدةبياناتالمسحالعنقوديالسادس (2018-2019). أظهرتنتائجالدراسةوجودفروقضعيفةحسبمكانالإقامةوالجنسوعلاقةمباشرةبينظاهرةالعنفوعمرالطفل،وكانالأطفالذووالاحتياجاتالخاصةأكثرعرضةللعنفمنبقيةالأطفال. كلمات مفتاحية:العنف العاطفي-أطفال–عنفضدالأطفال–عنفجسدي–أطفالذوي الاحتياجاتالخاصة


Emotional violence ; Children ; Violence against Children ; Physical Violence