مجلة الرسالة للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية
Volume 7, Numéro 4, Pages 774-781

A Pre-text And A Pretext Between The Past And The Present

Authors : Chaami Amine .


The present research paper is for setting a re-examination of the past from the present. It presents the colonial history of Australia which has been omitted and erased from Australia’s memory. As a postmodern historical revisionist stance, it counters the forgetting of past and contributes to complete historical understanding of the modern times in Australia. It narrates the story of colonization and uncovers some of the truth about Australia’s history. It presents an alternative form of historical documentation which is not candidly bound to a faithful depiction of the past. Thereafter, it creates an liberating site for ignored history by supplanting the official (hi)story of the nation.


colonial history; historical documentation; (hi)story; pretext; pre-text