Volume 8, Numéro 4, Pages 4381-4400

Metaphors Of Sadness In Emily Dickinson’s And Nazik Al-malaika’s Poetry

Authors : Ziadi Abdelaaziz .


Since metaphor is considered as one of the most potent and important rhetorical devices and the main category of figurative language. Our current article aims to compare and analyse some extracted metaphors of sadness selected from Emily Dickinson’s and Nazik Almalaika’s poems. To achieve the purpose of the study, the researchers applied the documentation technique to collect the data and verify the metaphoricity of both languages. Substantially, the findings of this study illustrate the poets’ genius for using the implicit meaning of metaphor to talk about their sufferable life, pain, hopelessness, and sadness.


Conceptual Metaphor; Sadness; Arabic; English; Poetry.