سلسلة الأنوار
Volume 12, Numéro 2, Pages 193-215

Religious Displacement In Emily Dickinson Selected Work From Trinity To Oneness Of Divinity (allah)

Authors : Nouari Wafa .


This paper is going to share the religious displacement that has been detected in the Selected Work of Emily Dickinson from the Christian Trinity of her community at that time towards the Oneness of Divinity in Islam. That is to say, she could portray a different image about God that image involves several characteristics similarly to those of Islam Accordingly, the research problem searches on the paradoxical coexistence of Islamic tendencies in a work written by a typical Christian woman. Followed by, the methods used here are descriptive analytical because it is the one fits the researcher to analyze, interpret, and describe besides to the religious and philosophical approaches Keywords: Islam, Trinity, poetry, oneness of divinity


islam ; trinity ; poetry ; oneness of divinity