مجلة العلوم القانونية و السياسية
Volume 12, Numéro 2, Pages 1036-1049

Legal Protection Of The Environment From Noise Pollution الحماية القانونية للبيئة من التلوث الضجيجي

Authors : Kohil Hayet .


The industrial and technological development has not only achieved the well-being of the human being, but has also become a source of inconvenience to the dependence on the machine. On which this latter has increased in all aspects of life day after day, as what is known as the noise pollution problem, which emanates from nature or from man appeared. This pollution has affected negatively All living organisms through diseases and disorders that have become widespread, prompting legislation to accelerate the development of legal frameworks to regulate the emission of sound and the criminalization of any violation of the limits of the permissible sound.


the noise pollution ; technological development ; the permissible sound