مجلة العلوم القانونية والاجتماعية

Journal of legal and social studies


The Journal of Legal and Social Sciences is a scientific, international, refereed journal .It is published by University of Djelfa, Algeria. It is affiliated to the Faculty of Law and Political Science. It is a periodical, quarterly review published every three months and free of charge . The journal carries original and full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments in practical aspects of law, society and human behavior, social, legal, administrative and political disciplines. It publishes articles in English, Arabic and French. The JLSS publishes also scientific reports, papers of scientific conferences, forums and theses which are related to social and legal sciences. The JLSS aims to provide researches, articles and studies in the above-mentioned disciplines, in order to open the way for researchers, scholars and students to make excellent and deep researches , as well as lighting the way for others to help them in their research and providing the possibility of benefiting from this researches at the level of community and individuals and public and private institutions. The JLSS becomes as a link between the university and society. Publisher: University of Djelfa.


إعلان للباحثين


استقبال المقالات للباحثين من الجزائر يومي 01 و 02 سبتمبر 2024 باللغة الإنجليزية فقط

بالنسبة للباحثين من خارج الجزائر استقبال المقالات مفتوح طيلة أيام السنة 

التواصل عبر هذا الاميل:










Contemporary Management Trends in Public Health Institutions

محجوب نورالدين,  عكوشي عبد القادر, 

الملخص: The healthcare sector emerges as a paramount facet, serving as a determinant of economic life's evolution and as a pivotal metric in assessing societal well-being. This recognition has spurred the adoption of varied governance approaches across nations, each geared towards achieving operational efficiency, service excellence, and economic efficacy concomitantly. Within the sphere of healthcare administration, diverse international experiences unveil a mosaic of management paradigms, marked by nuanced differentiations in approach. Confronted with the intricate dynamics of this environment and the imperative for expeditious outcomes from public health institutions, a conscientious effort has been directed toward the refinement of management processes. This strategic endeavor manifests an inclination towards a delegative paradigm, affording prominence to local actors. These actors, whether from the local community or internal stakeholders within these institutions, constitute a focal point in a trajectory dedicated to augmenting performance and elevating service quality. يحظى القطاع الصحي بأهمية كبيرة؛ إذ يعتبر مؤشرا لتطور الحياة الاقتصادية وتحديد مستوى الرفاه للمجتمعات، وهذا ما كان دافعا نحو اعتماد عدّة مقاربات حسب الدول في إدارة المؤسسات القائمة به، وذلك بغرض تحقيق أعلى مستوى من الكفاءة والنجاعة الخدمية والاقتصادية في آن واحد. ومن خلال التجارب المتعدّد في بلدان مختلفة، وإن تنوعت واختلفت تفصيلات أنماط تسييرها لقطاع الصحة بشكل عام؛ وأمام هذه البيئة المعقدة والحاجة الملحة لمخرجات المؤسّسات الصحية العمومية، فقد كان اجتهاد في تطور العملية التسييرية بها، ومحاولة اعتماد مقاربات مختلفة تنحو في الحديث منها نحو التدبير التفويضي وإعطاء الأهمية للفاعلين المحليين سواء كانوا ممثلين للمجتمع المحلي أو من المجتمع الداخلي لهذه المؤسسات ما يمكن أن يحسن من أدائها وتحسين خدماتها.

الكلمات المفتاحية: patterns ; management ; development ; Healthcare Management ; Delegation

The social representations of traditional medicine in Algeria

يعقوبي عطاء الله, 

Résumé: Abstract: The demand for traditional treatment and its practice is a profession and is usually popular in Algeria, but it did not take its true size due to lack of recognition by many, but in reality the various segments of society still resort to it in treating their health problems and hundreds or thousands of traditional healers are active without a license or legal accreditation Their popular support and social recognition that it enjoys, especially since the profession has been inherited by many, and the aspirants and scholars have also contributed to a recovery despite the lack of competencies and under this circumstance traditional medicine remains subject to randomness, individual discretion and the absence of medical control, which makes the whole matter left to mess and chaos. But the factor of need and trust remains behind the Algerians’ appetite for traditional medicine. On the other hand, we see that in Algerian society, traditional medicine is practiced according to different cultures. Therefore, in its practice, patterns of local culture appear for each region. In addition, the resort to traditional treatment is determined in light of a set of considerations from the social religious beliefs inherited from the ancestors. This means that the social development of the nature of the disease determines the behavior of individuals in the manner of treatmen in this regard, we try to clarify our vision for this work in order to develop a theoretical sociological conception about traditional medicine in Algeria and its social representations in reality, which are considered the embodiment of belief behavior and the firm folklore through which we can prove its importance and social status.

Mots clés: Traditional medicine ; Folk medicine ; Social beliefs ; Social representations ; Health education

A Comparative Analysis of the Codification of Non-Judicial Administrative Procedures in Algeria and France

برباش سامي, 

Résumé: This paper investigates the codification of non-contentious administrative procedures in France and Algeria, assessing its impact on the citizen-administration dynamic. It explores the pros and cons of codification from global and EU viewpoints, reviews the evolution of administrative procedures, and introduces the notion of "travelling" general principles. Analysis shows that France's CRPA of 2015 prioritises citizen rights while using an "à droit constant" approach. In comparison, Algeria's decree 88-131 demonstrates a lack of robustness in its codification and warrants updating. The variations reflect distinct institutional cultures. Future research could analyse case law shaping these legal systems.

Mots clés: codification ; administrative procedures ; citizen-administration relations ; France ; Algeria

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