Traduction et Langues

Journal of Translation and Languages TRANSLANG


About the Journal

The Journal Traduction et Langues TRANSLANG (Translation and Languages) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, bi-annual and free of charge, open-access journal edited by University of Oran2. The published works in the journal were more directed to German with a clear orientation towards translation. From 2010 onwards, TRANSLANG becomes multidisciplinary and more languages are present: English, Arabic, French, Spanish, and Russian, and the work between translation and languages is balanced. In 2020, TRANSLANG is indexed, its staff is characterized by the international dimension which gives the journal more credibility. In 2022, TRANSLANG is updated and specialized in Translation and Language studies, as part of the High-Quality Research (HQR) framework. The themes addressed today are particularly related to the reflection on translation as a process, especially the translation of specialized texts (technical, literary, artistic), on the interpreting process (simultaneous, consecutive, community), on the cognitive aspects of translation, history of translation, didactics and pedagogy, translatology, and terminology as well as languages and linguistic studies. The journal publishes original research and survey articles, it aims at promoting international scholarly exchanges among researchers, academics, and practitioners to foster intercultural communication by providing insights into local and global languages and cultures. The journal is published twice a year starting from 2010, the first was edited in 2002 one issue a year by University of Oran. The quality of the manuscripts is not the only criterion for acceptance; the criterion of novelty/originality is also necessary for publication. TRANSLANG favours various methodologies, argumentative, empirical, scientometric, etc. TRANSLANG aims to offer visibility to researchers in translation and Language studies from the Maghreb, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the West.

The journal accepts original papers, reports, and reviews in English, French, German, and Spanish. It is published in both print and online versions. The online version is free access and downloadable. All original and outstanding research papers are highly accepted to be published in our International Journal.

Focus and Scope

The focus of the journal is the investigation of principles and practices in translation and interpreting studies as well as languages and linguistic studies. The main target is to improve the approaches of research and promotion, and to provide also insights resulting from other multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary efforts by fostering a better understanding of the multidimensional nature of research in and on translation and interpreting and language studies. Possible topics include, but will not be limited to:

  • Translating world cultures
  • Translation as a work of art
  • Human sciences and translation
  • Translation, a profession, a know, a know-how, a know-how to be.
  • Interdisciplinary paradigms in translation didactics.
  • Translation and the editorial chain
  • Neural machine translation and deep learning
  • The translatology of the future
  • Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity in Translation Studies
  • Translating Sacred texts
  • Interpretation in all its states.
  • Lexicology, Terminology, Lexicography, and Translation 
  • Languages and Linguistic Studies
  • Contrastive Analysis and Discourse (s) Analysis 
  • Interdisciplinary Studies in Pragmatics, Culture, and Society 
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language, Culture, and Translation  

 ASJP Tutorial Videoslink

[ASJP] About Translation and Languages TRANSLANG JOURNAL

[ASJP] How to Create an Account on ASJP? 

[ASJP] How to edit your account on ASJP?

[ASJP] TRANSLANG Peer Review Process

[ASJP] Associate Editor: How to add reviewers and how to assign papers?

[ASJP] How to Submit a Paper via ASJP?

[ASJP] How To Use TRANSLANG Journal Template to Avoid Desk Rejection?

[ASJP] How to add references via ASJP revisited?

[ASJP] Paper Accepted with reservation: Correction and Resubmission

Submission Requirements

Typescripts must be complete meeting all formal and academic requirements. Any defaulting typescript will not be dispatched to any reviewer.

Language (s)

The Journal’s publishing languages are English, French, Spanish, and Deutsch. All manuscripts must follow conventional norms within standardized varieties.

Non-Roman Scripts

Non-Roman scripts should be avoided unless causing inconsistency in content and form if omitted. Languages such as: Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac and Greek are proportionally accepted in the script only if they are subject to the following criteria:

  • Non -Roman content should be clear and succinct.
  • Non Roman content should show a strong relevance to the linguistic content of the article.
  • Non-Roman forms should be placed on a separate line if it contains more than a phrase.
  • No Vocalization glyph should appear on Arabic, Hebrew or Syriac unless essential for the argument.
  • Non-Roman scripts are enough expressive if transliterated, yet it must conform to the following system:


The system of TRANSLANG must be used consistently throughout, except for quotations.

Transliteration of consonants and vowels

ʾ b t ṯ ǧ ḥ ḫ d ḏ r z s š ṣ ḍ ṭ ẓ ʿ ġ f q k l m n h w y

  • ʾ (hamza) is not to be used in initial position).

Short and long vowels: a/ā, i/ī, u/ū

Diphthongs: examples: layl, dayn

Editorial Policies

Open Access Policy

The journal Traduction et Langues TRANSLANG provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research available to the public free of charge, supporting the exchange of global knowledge.Any use of the contents in this site should refer TRANSLANG as its original source. Permission must be obtained for doing so. No economic benefit can be obtained from the information, the data, or the contents of TRANSLANG journal.

All the content of this journal, except where it is identified, under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.

Copyright and Licensing Policy

Copyright Holder 

Authors who publish in TRANSLANG journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0),  which allows others to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format;
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

  1. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access). 





Protecting Author Rights 

Copyright aims to protect the specific way the article has been written to describe an experiment and the results. TRANSLANG Journal is committed to its authors to protect and defend their work and their reputation and takes allegations of infringement, plagiarism, ethic disputes, and fraud very seriously.


TRANSLANG content is under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license that permits copying and redistributing any material in any medium or format other than for commercial purposes. It also allows remixing, transforming, and building upon the material by providing appropriate credit to the original work. More importantly, the intellectual property rights of the submitted papers remain with the contributors. Moreover, the journal edited by the University of Oran2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed does not collaborate with any private publishing company to promote its publications to prevent deceptive publishing. TRANSLANG prohibits the use or the marketing of published material for commercial reasons.

Screening for plagiarism policy

TRANSLANG adheres to international plagiarism policies. The editors are in their best preparation to prevent plagiarism and other forms of fraud and misconduct in academic publishing. A plagiarism detection software Plagiarism Checker X 2022 is running to ensure the originality of the submitted manuscripts for plagiarism detection. Each manuscript is sent to screening for plagiarism before the peer review process. One of the secretaries is responsible for checking the manuscripts in terms of plagiarism. Again, the final version of the accepted papers is checked for plagiarism.

Retraction Policy

TRANSLANG provides guidelines for errata, retracting, or correcting articles. The journal pledges to correct, as soon as possible, any genuine errors in published work pointed out by readers, authors, or editors, which do not render the work invalid. A time stamp will appear on every paper that was subject to corrections. The editor will retract the paper with an explanation of the reason for the retraction if the work has defaulting errors.

Peer Review Process

TRANSLANG Journal uses a double-blind peer review process. On submission, articles are sent by the Editor via ASJP to two reviewers. Once the review reports (TRANSLANG Reviewer Form) are returned, feedback and recommendations are assessed by the Editor-in-Chief, who then returns a decision to the author via ASJP

The editors and reviewers of TRANSLANG Journal endeavour to provide a rigorous and transparent peer review process to ensure that the highest quality of research is published. While our aim is to complete the peer review process as quickly as possible, the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors ensure that reviewers’ comments are properly assessed in the Reviewer Form. All types of conflicts of interest must be declared by all the members of TRANSLANG editorial board before accepting to be part of the Review Process. 

  • The manuscripts’ screening process involves a review by the editors and reviewers of our journal who are experts in the fields of Translation and Language Studies. The reviewers evaluate the manuscripts in terms of scope, quality, originality, accuracy of results, validity of methodology, and interest for the readership.
  • The Editor-in-Chief sends the manuscripts to the associate editor to be sent again to two experts in the fields for a rigorous peer-review. This is an important step of the review process as the constructive feedback given will help improve the quality of the submitted manuscripts.  
  • When the two reviews have been received, the editor-in-chief will consider the experts’ opinions, comments, and criticisms to authors.
  • If the decision is for minor revision, authors will be required to revise their manuscripts according to the reviewers’ orientations.
  • When submitting the revised versions of manuscripts, authors must ensure the revised manuscripts go along with the reviewers’ required amendments.  
  • The revised manuscripts will be re-evaluated by the same reviewers for final decisions.
  • Once reviewed, the Journal’s Editor-in-Chief finally approves the accepted manuscripts by the associate editors and reviewers.

Declaration of Competing Interest 

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

When sending an article for publication, all authors must declare any financial or personal involvement with any public or private institution that might influence (even if unintentionally) the results of their work. Likewise, authors must declare any non-financial relation that may cause a conflict of interest in their work (personal, academic, ideological, intellectual, political, or religious). Conflicts of interest, both financial and non-financial, must be notified when the article is submitted. The rationale behind this requisite is not to impede the publication of authors with competing interests but to ensure that these can be clearly identified so that readers can judge if authors may be predisposed or influenced in their work.

All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or any other substantive conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. They should disclose all sources of financial support for the project. Authors must indicate the journal when they have a direct or indirect conflict of interest with editors or members of the Editorial Board or International scientific committee.  

A declaration of competing interest must be expressed in the acknowledgments as indicated in TRANSLANG Template. 

Declaration of competing interest

I declare I have no competing financial or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Processing Charge

TRANSLANG does not charge any submission or publication fees. No fees are incurred for article processing, submission, neither for reviewing.

TRANSLANG makes all articles and related content available for free on the journal's website ASJP.

TRANSLANG Guide for authors

The Journal of Traduction et Langues TRANSLANG (Translation and Languages) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, biannual, free-of-charge, and open-access journal edited by University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed. main focus of the journal is translation and interpreting studies, and covers many fields of research such as Translation history, sociologies of translation, post-colonial translation studies, ethics, audiovisual translation studies, non-professional translation, localization, translation education, interpreting studies, cognition and process studies, and translation technologies. The journal is published in both print and online versions; the last is free of access and downloadable. The journal seeks original articles, reports, and book reviews, and welcomes outstanding research.

  1. Submission of Articles

Potential authors who are interested in the various themes covered by our journal are highly encouraged to submit their articles, reports, and reviews to TRANSLANG. But, before submitting your manuscripts, we invite you to read carefully our "Author Guide" and "Instructions for Authors" on the online platform designed for the Algerian scientific journals:

Notice that Registration and access are required to submit articles, and to check the status of manuscripts. To get informed about the journal’s publishing format, the Template is available for download in English, French, German, and Spanish from the website of the journal, and does not require registration.






After you reach the journal’s homepage, and whether you are logged in with an ASJP account or not, the “Paper Submission” button will always appear in a menu at the bottom of the journal’s cover page thumbnail. This will take you to a page with downloadable guide for authors and instructions for authors (Template).

It is important to consider the fact that acceptance to review an article can be obtained only if manuscripts are submitted as a single attachment, formatted according to the template available for download.

The submission process is fairly easy, and all that you will need to do is to click on the “Paper Submission” located in the ASJP platform link:

If you are a registered user on the platform, you should log in to have full access to the journal’s options. If you do not own credentials to access the platform, there is an available link under the search bar after you click on “Paper Submission” on the journal’s homepage. Please know that a valid email address is required to complete registration.

If you have a username/password on the platform, and you have logged in for the journal TRANSLANG, go directly to connection. If you need a username/ password, go to registration.

  1. Guidelines for Author: TRANSLANG mentioned previously, only manuscripts that comply with the guidelines of our journal are accepted. The Editor-in-Chief has the right to reject the research papers that do not respect the publication rules and ethics statements of the journal.

3. Evaluation of the Article

3.1. After receiving the articles, the editor-in-chief will ascertain of the format compliance. If articles comply with publishing format, they will be sent to reviewers from different institutions than the author with blinded authorship through associate editors. Articles that are incoherent with required format will be declined, and their authors will be notified, with one last chance to make format adjustments.

3.2. The 129 members of the editorial team of the journal from nineteen countries (United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Brazil, China, Belgium, Malaysia, Holland, Spain, Russia, France, Germany, Romania, Qatar, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine, Yemen, Tunis, Morocco, India, Cameroun, Algeria), belonging to an international specialized community, perform a blind review of every single submitted manuscript on the basis of a set of criteria, among which originality, timeliness, interest, and importance of the topic, proper language, and relevance to the journal’s readership (see evaluation grid). 

If the manuscript is rejected, the editor-in-chief will inform the author about the decision of the editorial team via platform by sending a message. The author can resubmit his paper by taking into account the received observations.

3.3. If the article is eligible for evaluation, it will be sent to one of the associate editors who will send it in his turn to two expert reviewers. The reviewers are sent the submission anonymously and requested to observe a deadline of one month as a maximum to transmitting their reports to the editor-in-chief. In case of contingencies that may extend the deadline, the reviewer is expected to send an early notification to the editor-in-chief.

  1. Status of Articles Evaluation

The reviewers are required to disclose potential conflicts of interests, if any, that may affect the outcome of the blind reviewing process. The reviewers are provided with an evaluation form available on the platform that determines the criteria of judgment on the paper’s originality, method and data analysis, clarity of findings and discussion, referencing, and documentation. The review report should also include general comments to the editor-in-chief and both general and specific anonymous comments to the author(s) that will be transmitted by the editor-in-chief. If the two reviewers are in disagreement in terms of judgment on the suitability of the paper for publication, further peer reviewing may be ensued. 

  1. Preparation of the Article

In order to avoid format rejection, we invite authors to use the Journal’s template. A template for authors is available in the “instructions for authors” file, you are requested to use it as a model. It can be downloaded from “Instructions for authors” on the journal’s web page.

  1. Publication details: By clicking on the "Author Guide", a zip file is uploaded. This guide comprises a guide for authors explaining the modalities of articles submission/evaluation, a publication ethics, and malpractice statement, as well as the copyright terms and conditions of the Journal to which the author explains that the publication and intellectual property belong to the Journal of TRANSLANG only.
  2. Sending the article

Authors submitting suitable manuscripts on the basis of our template are requested to send their articles via this link:

Also, authors are requested to fill in the information needed before sending their manuscripts (the article’s language, title, abstract, keywords, the author’s full name, affiliation, email, and other authors).

  1. Notification of Receipt of an Article: If the article submission process is realized successfully, a confirmation is given on the Platform. The author will then receive via email a notice of an article’s submission, and a notice to the second author via email as a confirmation of co-authorship.
  2. Notice of Rejection of the Article

If the article is not found suitable for publication in TRANSLANG, the author will be notified that the article has been rejected.

  1. Follow-Up of the status of the Article on the Platform

The author has to log in regularly to follow the status of his/her article by clicking on the icon "Articles" and then "Sent Articles" will show a table that details the article from: Address; Date of the Article’s submission; the Title of the Journal; and other details; the latter goes through several stages:

Stage 1: Accepting or rejecting arbitration;

Stage 2: A pending article;

Stage 3: Send the article to the reviewers;

Stage 4: The decision of the reviewers to accept the article or reject it or request for modification.

  1. The editor-in-chief reserves the right to modify accepted manuscripts that do not conform to scientific, technical, stylistic or grammatical standards, without affecting their content.
  2. The editor-in-chief is not obliged to return non-accepted articles.
  3. In case, a manuscript has been judged as violating the rules of ethics and research practice, no article will be accepted for the author under question.
  4. The opinions expressed in the Journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Journal.
  5. Contact Mail:,

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement PEMS

The following statement on Publication Ethics and malpractice reflects the Journal of Translation and Languages’ (TRANSLANG) policy that has been in place since its establishment and became more visible after its integration into Algerian Scientific Journals Platform ASJP. TRANSLANG follows a publishing model that privileges research publication integrity based mainly on the Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics, 2011).

TRANSLANG publishes original and blind peer-reviewed research papers, reports and case studies relevant to Translation, Interpreting, and Language studies. The journal’s content is open access and is archived at ASJP as indicated in this link (https:// www.asjp.cerist. dz/en/Articles/155). The journal’s content is available online through ASJP, which ensures the long-term survival of Web-based scholarly publications. Furthermore, publications will remain digitally available for free under Creative Commons License.

TRANSLANG content is under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license that permits copying and redistributing any material in any medium or format other than for commercial purposes. It also allows remixing, transforming and building upon the material by providing appropriate credit to the original work. More importantly, the intellectual property rights of the submitted papers remain with the contributors. Moreover, the journal edited by the University of Oran2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed does not collaborate with any private publishing company to promote its publications to prevent deceptive publishing. TRANSLANG prohibits the use or the marketing of published material for commercial reasons.

TRANSLANG adheres to international plagiarism policies. The editors are in their best preparation to prevent plagiarism and other forms of fraud and misconduct in academic publishing. A plagiarism detection software is running to ensure the originality of the submitted manuscripts for plagiarism detection. Each manuscript is sent to screening for plagiarism before the peer review process. One of the secretaries is responsible for checking the manuscripts in terms of plagiarism. Again, the final version of the accepted papers is checked for plagiarism.

TRANSLANG also provides guidelines for errata, retracting or correcting articles. The journal pledges to correct, as soon as possible, any genuine errors in published work pointed out by readers, authors, or editors, which do not render the work invalid. A time stamp will appear on every paper that was subject to corrections. The editor will retract the paper with an explanation of the reason for







Maitena Burundarena: femminismo e humor in spagnolo. Traduzione intralinguistica e interlinguistica

Garzelli Beatrice,  Granata María Eugenia, 

Résumé: This paper is concerned with studying the translation of the comics genre, a type of translation that is subordinate due to its spatio-temporal limitations. Specifically, it examines the case of the Argentinean cartoonist Maitena Burundarena, observing the double transposition of her work (“Mujeres Alteradas 5”, 2001 and “Superadas 1”, 2002): from Rioplatense Spanish to Peninsular Spanish and also in the interlingual version in Italian. With regard to the intralinguistic translation, we will reflect, from a contrastive perspective, on the real need to have a version adapted for an Iberian audience, also with reference to the humorous rendering of text and image. With regard to the translation into Italian, the difficulties that emerged during the translation process will be analysed, observing how certain rendering strategies in the target language sometimes highlight conflicts and losses in the final product that alter the scope of the humorous note of the prototext. In order to compensate for some of these linguistic and cultural losses, alternative translation solutions will be proposed that more faithfully reflect the author's purpose or intentions. -------- Questo lavoro si occupa di studiare la traduzione del genere fumettistico, un tipo di traduzione subordinata per i vincoli spazio-temporali che la interessa. Nello specifico, il saggio prende in esame il caso della vignettista argentina Maitena Burundarena, osservando la doppia trasposizione della sua opera (“Mujeres Alteradas 5”, 2001 e “Superadas 1”, 2002) dallo spagnolo rioplatense allo spagnolo penisulare, fino alla versione interlinguistica in italiano. Per quanto concerne la traduzione intralinguistica, si rifletterà, in ottica contrastiva, sulla reale necessità di disporre di una versione adattata per un pubblico iberico, anche in riferimento alla resa umoristica di testo e immagine. In merito alla traduzione in lingua italiana, verranno analizzate le difficoltà emerse durante il processo traduttivo, osservando come alcune strategie di resa nella lingua target evidenzino talvolta dei conflitti e delle perdite nel prodotto finale che alterano la portata della nota umoristica del prototesto. Allo scopo di compensare alcune di queste perdite linguistiche e culturali si proporranno soluzioni alternative di traduzione, rispetto a quella ufficiale, che rispecchino con maggior coerenza e fedeltà il messaggio originale dell’autrice.

Mots clés: Femininist comics ; Maitena ; Interlingual Translation ; Humor ; Rioplatense Variety

The Translation of Uma Thurman’s Pun in “Pulp Fiction”: Ensemble of Translations from the Perspective of Relevance Theory

Sitjà Márquez Pau, 

Résumé: This article will elucidate, from the perspective of Relevance Theory, an ensemble of translations by analysing nine different translated versions of the story of the family tomatoe’s pun by Quentin Tarantino’s famous “Pulp Fiction”. After defining the type of pun of study and its purposes, the pun correspondances will be analysed following the theoretical relevance framework, avoiding the fixed standard equivalence of the source text jokes and highlighting the interpretative similarity as well as prevailing the cognitive environment and pragmatic context instead of preponderating lexical and syntactic levels in humour translation.

Mots clés: Pun translation ; Relevance theory ; Pun correspondance ; Target reader ; Three tomatoes family pun ; Wordplay translation

El tratamiento del componente humorístico en la combinación lingüística español-italiano: una aproximación desde la traducción audiovisual

Trovato Giuseppe, 

Résumé: It is common knowledge that language is the most evident manifestation of an idiosyncrasy and that it undoubtedly allows cultural elements of a very different nature to be expressed. Among these elements is the aspect related to humour, the transposition of which from language/culture A to language/culture B often poses major challenges for the translator. In this contribution, our aim is to approach the treatment of humour between Italian and Spanish, a language combination generally considered as cognate languages. Specifically, we will analyse what procedures and strategies have been adopted to translate certain expressions endowed with a sense of humour in the field of audiovisual translation.

Mots clés: Humour ; Audiovisual Translation ; Cognate Languages ; Spanish-Italian ; Translation strategies and procedures

Tra equivalenza ed efficacia: la comicità coreana nella traduzione audiovisiva

Jung Imsuk,  Kim Kukjin, 

Résumé: L’umorismo è un’esperienza cognitiva volta a suscitare risate e divertimento, soprattutto quando viene espresso attraverso il linguaggio in diverse forme (cfr. Salmon, 2004). La sua principale funzione è far ridere chi lo ascolta e si auspica che ciò accada anche nella sua traduzione. Tuttavia, data la sua natura sfaccettata, che coinvolge elementi linguistici, culturali, situazionali e contestuali, l'umorismo si traduce in una ardua sfida nel cercare un’adeguata interpretazione, soprattutto se si tratta di due lingue linguisticamente e culturalmente assai distanti come coreano e italiano. Tradurre l’umorismo è considerato uno dei compiti più ardui per i traduttori, in quanto la sua complessità è strettamente legata alle conoscenze linguistico-culturali e contestuali. Quanto alla lingua coreana sono già numerosi gli studi comparativi condotti che coinvolgono le lingue straniere come inglese, giapponese, cinese e tedesco. Il presente lavoro intende fornire un’analisi contrastiva della sottotitolazione dei giochi di parole nelle serie televisive coreane K-drama e mira a individuare alcune strategie adottate per la resa della comicità coreana in italiano. La presente ricerca nasce dal grande interesse per il cinema coreano di questi ultimi vent’anni, combinato con quello per la traduzione audiovisiva. Il campo d’analisi, tuttavia, verrà ulteriormente ristretto al contenuto umoristico della serie, e in particolare ai giochi di parole in quanto sono elementi altamente culturo-specifici e richiedono un grande lavoro creativo nella loro resa. La lingua target deve essere modellata affinché frasi idiomatiche, collocazioni, proverbi o formulazioni fisse richiamino una forma di idiomaticità che contenga strutture umoristiche di pari livello rispetto all’originale. In tal proposito si assisterà all’importanza data al concetto di «traduzione culturale» e alla questione dell’«altro». Il presente lavoro vuole riflettere su come, seppur con le difficoltà poste da ogni singolo caso, la traduzione degli elementi umoristici sia possibile. Gli esempi analizzati contribuiranno a determinare tipologie di soluzioni spesso molto diverse, che talvolta risultano anche efficaci e a comprendere un confronto rapido in parallelo tra le lingue oggetto di studio.

Mots clés: umorismo ; traduzione audiovisiva ; traduzione culturale ; k-drama

“Xiaolin”: come ridevano i cinesi nell’antichità

Wang Mei-hui, 

Résumé: Questo lavoro si basa sullo studio del libro "Xiaolin" (La foresta delle risate) di Handan Chun 邯鄲淳 (ca.132-ca.221) del periodo Cao Wei 曹魏 nella dinastia Han Orientale 東漢 (25-220), il primo libro dedicato alle barzellette nell'antica Cina. Le storie popolari realistiche e satiriche prodotte sullo sfondo dei tempi riflettevano l'interesse per la vita e l'umorismo dei letterati e della gente comune della classe inferiore di quel periodo, così come anche un senso educativo (Wang, 1981; Huang, 1999; Baccini, 2020). Concentrandoci sulle sole 29 barzellette rimaste del libro, gli estratti e le brevi citazioni ritrovate nei nove importanti documenti antichi analizzati, in un elenco cronologico, saranno approfondite le cinque barzellette più nominate, quelle più rappresentative. Queste sono: “Zhao Bo gong (weng) feida赵伯公(翁)肥大” [Zhao Bo gong (weng) è grasso], “Shen Jun xing jian lin沈峻性俭吝” (Shen Jun è avaro), “Wu ren dao jing chi naisu(lao)吴人到京吃奶蘇(酪)” (La gente di Wu va a Luoyang a mangiare il formaggio), “Taiyuan ren ye shihuo太原人夜失火” (Una casa di Taiyuan ha preso fuoco durante la notte) e “Lu ren zhi gan魯人執竿” (La gente di Lu ha in mano lunghi pali), tradotte in italiano e con delle riflessioni. In questo lavoro si evidenziano le ideologie sociali e culturali delle persone dell'epoca confrontandole con i fenomeni sociali della Cina moderna. Lo scopo è quello di approfondire la conoscenza del linguaggio pragmatico e le ideologie riflesse nella cultura dell'epoca, per comprendere come abbiano influenzato profondamente la vita quotidiana e il senso dell'umorismo dei cinesi moderni. Queste barzellette esprimono l'importanza delle risate.

Mots clés: Barzellette cinesi ; Xiaolin ; Satira cinese ; Umorismo ; Youmo ; Handan Chun

Humour en classe de FLE : Un exemple à travers la bande dessinée

Gabard Émeline,  Hüpfel Lucie, 

Résumé: Since the emergence of the communicative and then task-based approach in foreign language teaching, humor has been left aside to the benefit of an “efficient” language perspective. This paper proposes to introduce it in a French class for foreigners through a didactic activity field tested, easy to build, and operable from the beginner level. Thanks to the website, which publishes every day new comics created by any user and at the same time offers a very user-friendly content creation tool, learners can discover and understand different humor types, but also try to reproduce them or create new ones. We will present three different educational uses based on this website, allowing the learners to familiarize themselves with humor’s presence in their language path, to make them understand its mechanism, in order to finally manipulate it themselves in the foreign language. Thus, we intend to demonstrate the great benefits of humor utilization in the foreign language classroom, together with the ease of implementation

Mots clés: French as a Foreign Language ; Comics ; BirdsDessinés ; Laugh ; Educational efficiency ; Foreign language teaching ; Funny

Tradurre l’umorismo nella comunicazione d’ambito medico in serie tv tedesche: il caso di Bettys Diagnose

Buffagni Claudia,  Aurora Marta, 

Résumé: Italian Il presente saggio analizza dialoghi umoristici della prima stagione della serie televisiva tedesca d’ambientazione medica Bettys Diagnose (2015) sulla scorta della General Theory of Verbal Humor (1991) di Raskin e Attardo. Dapprima si individuano come criteri di classificazione degli scambi umoristici il genere dei partecipanti, le gerarchie sociali e professionali e il linguaggio specialistico. Con un approccio qualitativo, lo studio indaga poi sull’ambiguità linguistica riscontrata in numerosi scambi basati su script opposti nella comunicazione di ambito medico. Il saggio considera inoltre forme di humor volontario e involontario, verbale e non verbale. Successivamente l’articolo presenta proposte di sottotitolazione interlinguistica in italiano, selezionate in base al tono dominante della serie dramedy esaminata (Nord 1993). Sono state così individuate strategie specifiche per la resa di scambi umoristici che ruotano attorno al genere, alle gerarchie sociali e professionali e al linguaggio specialistico (Díaz Cintas & Remael 2007), distinguendo tra casi di corrispondenza tra i due sistemi linguistici (tedesco e italiano) e casi che richiedono l’intervento creativo del traduttore. Lo studio individua alcune linee di tendenza nella rappresentazione della comunicazione in tedesco in ambito ospedaliero e nella traduzione per la sottotitolazione in italiano. Tali risultati potranno essere ulteriormente consolidati sul piano quantitativo sulla base di più ampi corpora di dialoghi filmici. English This essay analyses humorous dialogues from the first season of the German medical TV series Bettys Diagnose (2015) on the basis of Raskin and Attardo's General Theory of Verbal Humour (1991). First, the gender of the participants, socio- professional hierarchies and specialised language are identified as criteria for classifying humorous interactions. Applying a qualitative approach, the study then investigates the linguistic ambiguity found in numerous exchanges based on opposing scripts in the medical workplace. The essay also considers voluntary and involuntary, verbal and non-verbal forms of humour. Subsequently, the article presents proposals for interlingual subtitling in Italian, selected on the basis of the dominant tone of the dramedy series examined (Nord 1993). Specific strategies (Díaz Cintas & Remael 2007) were thus identified and employed to render those humorous exchanges in which gender, socio-professional hierarchies and specialised language play a relevant role. This section distinguishes between cases of correspondence between the two language systems (German and Italian) and cases requiring a more creative intervention of the translator. The study identifies some trend lines in the fictional representation of communication in hospital settings in German as well as in the interlingual subtitling in Italian. These results can be further consolidated on a quantitative level by the analysis of larger corpora of film dialogues.

Mots clés: humor ; audiovisual translation ; German tv-drama ; italian subtitles ; medical language ; gender

L’umorismo come tecnica espressiva per decostruire stereotipi femminili. O cavalo transparente dell’autrice brasiliana Sylvia Orthof (1932-1997)

Maria Antonietta Rossi, 

Résumé: Considerando l’ampio uso dell’umorismo nella letteratura contemporanea per l’infanzia, strategia adoperata per far riflettere i giovani lettori su importanti tematiche sociali, quali l’inclusione e la questione di genere, si propone l’analisi di questa tecnica espressiva, in prospettiva pragmatica, utilizzata nel racconto O cavalo transparente della scrittrice brasiliana Sylvia Orthof (1932-1997), pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1987 e rieditato fino al 2015 con una veste grafica più moderna. Attraverso uno humor culturalmente connotato, l’autrice decostruisce, con spiccati tratti comici, i tradizionali stereotipi e canoni estetici femminili, scegliendo come protagonista una zingara di nome Carmen, un’antieroina che, in preda al panico, intraprende un viaggio all’insegna dell’avventura, fra luoghi immaginari e personaggi sopannaturali, per andare in cerca di una bottiglietta di profumo smarrita, contenente tutta la tristezza del mondo. La protagonista vuole dunque ritrovare questo oggetto magico, poiché la sua rottura scatenerebbe una vera e propria catastrofe umana. Per mettere in evidenza la funzione dello humor in questo racconto di Sylvia Orthof, si analizzeranno le parti testuali più significative, in Portoghese Brasiliano, in cui si riscontra l’impiego di tale strategia retorica, avanzando anche possibili proposte di traduzione in italiano: tale lavoro contrastivo tra il testo di partenza e il possibile metatesto dimostrerà come la veicolazione linguistica del comico è fortemente ancorata al contesto culturale e ai precetti socio-pragmatici di ogni comunità di parlanti.

Mots clés: Letteratura infantile ; Inclusione ; O cavalo transparente ; Sylvia Orthof ; Stereotipi femminili ; Umorismo

Scripted stand-up comedy in translation. The Marvelous Mrs Maisel dubbed in Italian

Dore Margherita, 

Résumé: This study focuses on the TV series titled The Marvelous Mrs Maisel (Sherman-Palladino, 2017-2023) and the main character Miriam “Midge” Maisel, a Jewish housewife residing in late 1950s and early 1960s New York who experiences a significant life change when her husband leaves her. Discovering her talent as a stand-up comedian, she embarks on a career in comedy. The analysis first concentrates on Midge’s fictional, fully scripted stand-up routines and contrasts them with real, semi-scripted interactions between comedians and live audiences. Mrs. Maisel’s perfomances are worth exploring because through them she defies the societal norms of her time, using explicit language and openly discussing taboo subjects such as sex, religion, and politics to captivate her audience. Subsequently, this work investigates how these topics were handled in Italian dubbing, which has traditionally served as a platform for ideological manipulation. The results show that the dubbing team largely retained instances of swearing, and when certain instances were omitted, they were compensated for through creative additions. This pattern aligns with current trends in Italian dubbing, indicating a greater degree of freedom in addressing sensitive topics, with taboo humor notably benefiting from it.

Mots clés: stand-up comedy ; dubbing ; translation ; taboo language

Tensiones productivas entre humor y traducción

Zabalbeascoa Patrick, 

Résumé: This paper reviews the potentially changing relationship between two different practices and their related fields of study and theoretical approaches, i.e. translation (studies) and humour (studies). In this respect it is a development and continuation of previous studies on the topic, namely, P. Zabalbeascoa (2005) "Humor and Translation: an Interdiscipline" in Humor - International Journal of Humor Research 18(2):185-207. DOI:10.1515/humr.2005.18.2.185, and P. Zabalbeascoa & S. Attardo (2024) "Humour translation theories and strategies" in Transmedial Perspectives on Humour and Translation; From Page to Screen to Stage. Edited By Loukia Kostopoulou, Vasiliki Misiou. More evidence is found to show the positive synergies that can be created in each discipline by an increased awareness (both theoretical and practical) of the other.

Mots clés: humour ; translation ; audience profile ; enterntainment ; informativity

Strange Ways of Laugh - Lo humor transculturale nelle metamorfosi del genere Western

Cipolloni Marco, 

Résumé: évolution de la notion de "humor" dans le gendre Western, depuis le Western américain et jusqu'au Western à l'Italienne, coproduit avec l'Espagne.

Mots clés: Western ; Film ; Italie ; Espagne

Humor in the Age of the Internet: The Case of Transmedial Humor

Attardo Salvatore, 

Résumé: The paper discusses the changes in humor that have occurred since the advent of the internet, in the past quarter of a century. In particular, if focuses on trans medial humor. Humor is found to be a transmedial constant, however the inter semiotic translation process required to transfer the text from one modality to another is found to affect in small but not indifferent ways the humor itself.

Mots clés: transmedia; ; humor; ; intersemiotic translation; ; internet; ; memes.