Revue algérienne d'économie et gestion
Volume 9, Numéro 3, Pages 005-021

خصائص المالك المسير وأداء مؤسسات البناء الخاصة المنفذة للمشروع الإستعجالي الأول (2000/2005) Lsp بحي العقيد لطفي بوهران

الكاتب : عشراتي جهاد .


يعتبر قطاع البناء عموما والأشغال العمومية بشكل خاص المحرك الفعال للحياة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية لأي بلد فإن الصناعيين والمختصين في البناء وأيضا المسيرين الذين يهتمون بالإنتاجية والمرد ودية للمؤسسة يثيرهم هذا الأمر ويهتمون به. لمعرفة العوامل الداخلية المؤثرة على مستوى أداء المؤسسة اعتمدنا في هذه الدراسة على طريقة المسح وذلك بتوزيع استبيان على تقريبا كل المؤسسات التي أنجزت أول برنامج للسكن الاجتماعي التساهمي الذي انطلق سنة 2000 بعدد 4500 سكن في منطقة وهران شرق حيث بلغ عدد المؤسسات المنجزة 19، ولقد كان -على حسب تعبير ممثلة مديرية السكن -"إستعجالي" حتى أنه لم يطرح دفتر شروط يحدد خصائص المؤسسة المنجزة للمشروع فكانت النتيجة أن هذا الرنامج لم ينتهى منه لغاية 2014 . نحاول في هذه الوريقات البحثية تسليط الضوء على خصائص مؤسسات قطاع البناء التي نفذت مشروع السكن الاجتماعي التساهمي في حي العقيد لطفي بالمنطقة الشرقية لولاية وهران، من ناحية شخص المسير و/أو المالك: المستوى الدراسي والتجربة المهنية، آلية التسيير، الإمكانيات المادية والبشرية. Abstract : Now a days geared up competition in the market has forced all public and private institutions to adopt their own strategies that allow them to be lifted up their performance levels in order to ensure continuity and development. In this context, all applications and organizational techniques have become fertile fields for attention by researchers and scholars to work in. Because the construction industry generally and public works in particular are considered effective engine of economic and social life of any country, the industrialists and professionals in the building and also managers who care about productivity and Refrain friendly institution. This study registers in this context, where we want to identify and recognize the internal factors that affect the very way that the performance of the construction sector institutions in Algeria, particularly in the completion of the emergency plan for social housing covalent. Many researchers have tried to measure the performance of the institution in a way objective indicators and non-objective and this after measuring the standard link between these two indicators depending on the answers managers. To know the internal factors affecting the performance of the institution level adopted in this study to survey method by distributing a questionnaire to almost all institutions that have completed the first program for social housing covalent, which began in 2000 the number of 4500 housing in the Oran region east where the number of completed institutions 19 reached except BATIOR Foundation its path is a graduate of the National Institute of Statistics and has considerable experience in the management process, but the reason for the override for achievement is the dispersion of the projects and thus dispersion of potential in terms of the different programs and also place these projects any scatter them on the national level. It was the expression represented by the Directorate of housing "an emergency" so that it did not raise notebook Terms institution determines the characteristics of the completed project with the result that this project it did not end until 2014. Therefore, the objective of this research is to know the characteristics of these institutions entrusted with the achievement process in some of these institutions were able to complete the achievement process and others delayed completion process with the knowledge that, according to the Directorate of housing, the duration of achievement identified a number barracks to be completed no less duration was 12 months and the maximum duration is 36 months.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Keuword: performance, propréitaire leader, time required, BTP.