Volume 13, Numéro 3, Pages 763-781

Language Attitudes Of Algerian Facebook Users: Case Of Sidi Bel Abbes University Students

Authors : Soufi Benyoub . Negadi Mohammed Nassim .


The fast growth of social media use among Algerian citizens creates an unprecedented opportunity to analyse how Algerians reflect their language attitudes on computer-mediated communication platforms. The aim of this paper is to assess the attitudes of university students regarding the usage of languages on Facebook, mainly the varieties already established in the Algerian linguistic landscape (Algerian Dialect, Modern Standard Arabic, French, and English). To achieve such a goal, a sample of sixty-three participants from the University of Djillali Liabes - Sidi Bel Abbes responded to a questionnaire designed to assess attitudes related to the use of the aforementioned varieties on Facebook. The results revealed that the attitudes on Facebook are reflections of those that exist in society, such as the veneration of Modern Standard Arabic as a pure variety, degrading the Algerian dialect, and considering those who use words from a particular language as evidence of mastery of that language.


CMC; Arabic Language; Attitudes; Diglossia; Codeswitching.

Comprehension De L’inondabilite De La Plaine De Sidi Bel Abbes Par L’oued Mekerra (ouest Algerien). Understanding Of Sidi Bel Abbes Plain Flooding By Mekerra River (west Of Algeria)

Benyahia Mohamed .  Bouzidi Mohamed Ali .  Moueddene, Kada .  Hallouche Bachir .  Attaoui Ilhem .  Meliani Habib .  Dernouni Fouzia . 
pages 26-45.