revue algerienne des études sociologiques
Volume 1, Numéro 0, Pages 9-32

العولمة واتفاقية حقوق الطفل: مبادئها وأسلوب تعليمها للأطفال

الكاتب : العياشي عنصر .


Abstract The present paper deals with the highly important and controversial issues of globalization, human rights and the statute of children in the modem world. The papcr focuses on .`The Convention on The Right of The Child". However, globalization and its contradictory effects were more than present in the background discussion as we considered the emergence and development of worldwide interest in the issues of human rights. in general and the right of the child, in particular. To this end, the paper provides a brief account contradictory phenonienon; globalization of oppression and domination as well as that of human rights and forms of resistance and struggle against the oppressive tendencies of globalization. The paper sheds light on the historic movement which paved the way to the announcement of "The Convention on The Right of Thc Child". A long process that began in 1924 to culminate in the endorsement of the convention by the UN General Assembly in 20 November 1989, with the notable exception of the USA. In the remaining parts of the paper, we analyze the role of various social institutions including the family, society and the State and their responsibility in the enforcement of the convention. Much attention is given to the issue of teaching the convention to children themselves as being the most effective way of defending and percerving their rights . The paper provides, at the end, an account on the efforts deployed by thc UNICEF and intellectuals all over the world to develop imaginative and ingenious ways .of teaching the convention to the children through cartoon films and videos

الكلمات المفتاحية

اتفاقية، حقوق الطفل، العولمة، الأطفال