Volume 11, Numéro 2, Pages 47-58

Idir's Songs : An Invigorating Teaching Aid To Build Up Students’ Language Competencies In Tamazight The Case Of Students Of Tamazight At The Department Of Tamazight, University Of Bejaia – Algeria

Authors : Sabbah Lina .


The current paper aims to explore and identify the nature of the contribution of Idir’s songs to learners’ language skills in Tamazight, at the department of Tamazight, university of Bejaia. Accordingly, this investigation concerns itself with the issue of how Idir’s songs as a teaching tool can prop up students’ competencies in learning Tamazight. Throughout this project, we are engaged in answering four further sub-questions: 1)-How effective is the implementation of Idir’s songs during Tamazight language classes? 2)-What do students perceive as the most significant impact of integrating Idir’s songs on their learning achievements? 3)- Do age and gender have an effect on how students experience such types of teaching tools? 4)- What practical factors should teachers consider to attain better outcomes? As a presupposed answer for the foregoing inquiries, we hypothesise that integrating Idir’s songs during Tamazight language classes is an efficacious instructional tool to foster learners’ self-motivation and language skills. For the sake of the present research project, we have opted for the quantitative method using a questionnaire designed for all the students at the department of Tamazight, except first-year students. The outcomes of this project demonstrate the critical role of song-based strategies in language teaching. Hence, the study recommends and highlights the relevance of introducing songs as a teaching tool to evolve Tamazight language learners’ skills.


Idir's songs, teaching aid, language skills, students’ competencies, Tamazight language