Algerian Translation and Languages Journal - المجلة الجزائرية للترجمة واللغات


ALTRALANG Journal (Algerian Translation and Languages Journal) [ e-ISSN: 2710-8619 ; p-ISSN: 2710-7922 ], is an Open-Access Peer-reviewed International Journal, published biannually by the Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Algeria since 2019.

AIMS AND SCOPE: The main objective of ALTRALANG Journal is to contribute significantly to the body of knowledge by providing an intellectual platform for national and international scholars including postgraduate students, professors, and researchers operating in academic circles, government departments, or socio-economic institutions.To promote interdisciplinary studies in Languages and Translation Studies, ALTRALANG Journal is committed to publish biannually in a variety of languages including English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Italian, Turkish, Chinese, Arabic and Tamazight covering both theoretical and empirical topics in fields such as Translation Studies, Communication Studies, Cross-Cultural Studies, Linguistics, Literature, Educational Sciences , Didactics, History, Civilization, Methodology, Arts and so on

Special issues devoted to important topics in the scope of the journal will occasionally be published.

PUBLICATION CHARGES: FREE   Article Processing Charges (APCs): No - Submission Charges: No

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Teachers’ Classroom Interactional Competence: An Analysis in Micro-Contexts of Teacher-Class Interaction

عزيز أسماء,  عرعار سميرة, 

Résumé: Creating learning opportunities depends to a greater extent on classroom interaction, in which learning is maximised when teachers demonstrate classroom interactional competence (CIC). This article investigates how EFL Algerian teachers manifest CIC in the co-construction of talk-in- interaction. It addresses three core objectives: firstly, it examines teachers' use of mode-convergent language. Secondly, it analyses the interactional resources deployed by teachers to manage creating interactional space. Finally, it identifies the ways teachers shape their learners’ contributions. A qualitative research was adopted, and the data were collected through the use of video-recording and field notes at a private language institute in Sétif, Algeria. The findings revealed that teachers manifested CIC in different classroom micro-contexts but failed, in many occasions, to use mode-convergent language and to provide interactional space in the “Classroom Context” mode. To shape learners’ contributions, the findings uncovered the use of a range of interactional resources. However, differing from previous studies, the findings unveiled the use of humour as a resource that stimulated students’ further engagement in the discourse. Implications to teacher education are discussed as well.

Mots clés: Classroom Interactional Competence ; Classroom Interaction ; Teacher Talk ; Self-Evaluation of Teacher Talk ; Conversation Analysis

A Proposed Model for Grammar Instruction to EFL Adult Learners: The Case of Second-Year Students at Biskra University

موساوي نجاة,  شلي صليحة, 

Résumé: Due to the importance of learners’ beliefs on language learning success, the present paper seeks to gauge EFL students’ beliefs on grammar instruction. To this end, a quantitative descriptive method was adopted, including a questionnaire administered to 95 Algerian EFL students, enrolled in the second year, at the Department of English, Mohamed Khidher University. The findings revealed that the students have positive attitudes toward the role grammar plays in language learning, yet they expressed mixed reactions towards both inductive and deductive grammar instruction, where most of the students preferred the direct deductive approach. Such findings drive us to propose a model based on the experiential learning theory to correct EFL learners' misconceptions about their learning; a shift from a teacher-centered approach to a learner-centered approach, which promotes learner autonomy.

Mots clés: Deductive approach; EFL learners's beliefs; experiential learning; inductive approach; grammar instruction; proposed model

Learners’ Views on PBL-based Instruction of Literary Texts in the EFL Classroom

Kellil Mountassar Billah,  Khelalfa Nawal, 

Résumé: ABSTRACT: The current descriptive study aimed to explore learners’ attitudes towards Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and the extent to which they considered it to be successful in developing various skills. A survey measuring various aspects of PBL was administered to 31 third year student of EFL at the University of Abbes Laghrour in Khenchela after a 10-week experiment of PBL-based instruction. Students’ responses have revealed that PBL-based instruction was effective in developing various skills within the literary texts classroom. Students felt that they improved in terms of overall ability to learn collaboratively, their willingness to share knowledge, their ability to apply new knowledge, and more. Implications include an incorporation of PBL in literary texts classes can promote an engaging learning environment, reinforcing a sense of ownership of one’s learning.

Mots clés: EFL ; literary texts ; PBL ; problem-based learning ; students' attitudes

Ideological Discourse Analysis of On-Screen Discourse on Terrorism

البح زليخة, 

Résumé: The purpose of the current study is to shed light on the representation of Arabs and Muslims in Hollywood on-screen discourse on terrorism. It seeks to answer, especially, three main questions: What is the difference, if any, between pre- and post- 9/11 representation of Arabs and Muslims? Does post- 9/11 on-screen discourse reflect true experiences of soldiers in battlefields? And how is Islam perceived by westerners? To analyse the on-screen discourse, we have adopted Van Dijk’s model of Ideological Discourse Analysis. The chosen data consider pre-and post- 9/11 attacks. As such, it comprises six films before and after this event. The analysis of on-screen discourse reveals that after 9/11 attacks, there has been a shift from a comical representation to a serious one. Also, post- 9/11 on-screen discourse on terrorism either depicts or simulates true experiences of American soldiers in battlefields. Besides, Islam is represented as a threatening radical ideology against a peaceful world.

Mots clés: Terrorism ; Islam ; 9/11 attacks ; Hollywood discourse ; Political Propaganda

Questioning the Democratic Legitimacy of the Brexit Referendum 2016

Esseghier Rouza,  Mired Houari, 

Résumé: In light of the substantial shift toward popular decision-making mechanisms in Western European polities, a comprehensive analysis is imperative to evaluate the democratic legitimacy of these devices, with particular emphasis on referendums. These instruments entrust voters with the resolutions of significant constitutional matters that their political leaders have been unable to address. The present research centres upon the 2016 EU referendum in Britain as a case study, given its criticism for lacking a genuine democratic process and being subject to particular media agenda. The research methodology predominantly adopts a qualitative approach, with the analysis structured around the theoretical framework of deliberative democracy. Various deliberative elements, such as the distribution of information and media coverage throughout the entire process, form the basis of the analysis. While the ideal envisioned by this deliberative theory is the attainment of well-discussed and informed decisions reflective of the citizens’ common good, the findings of the analysis revealed a contrary outcome.

Mots clés: Brexit ; Common-good; deliberative Democracy ; Democratic Legitimacy ; Referendums

Análisis tipológico de los textos del manual de ELE Aula internacional Plus 3

شني هاجر, 

Résumé: En el presente artículo vamos a elaborar un análisis tipológico de los textos tanto escritos como orales del manual del alumno de español como lengua extranjera Aula internacional Plus 3 publicado en 2021, propuesto por el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas y que corresponde al nivel intermedio B1 con el objetivo de establecer la proveniencia, la secuencia tipológica, el contenido temático y las destrezas lingüísticas y comunicativas que se pueden activar o desarrollar a partir de la recepción de los textos. Por lo tanto, para llevar a cabo nuestro análisis, aplicaremos el método cuantitativo y cualitativo.

Mots clés: Lingüística textual ; manual de ELE ; texto ; secuencia prototípica ; tipología textual

Narrative Consciousness and Character Psychology in James Joyce's "Eveline"

بصديق فاطمة, 

Résumé: This study holds an interest in the short story “Eveline” by James Joyce as a psychological story that projects a realistic description of an individual’s complex thoughts at moments of decision. A nineteen-year-old woman, Eveline stands by a window in her room watching the evening and listening to passing footsteps but meanwhile brings into her mind memories and thoughts about herself and her family, past, present, and future. By using the psychological theories of Sigmund Freud of the conscious and the unconscious, this article endeavors to elucidate Joyce’s narration of Eveline’s stream of consciousness as she decides to elope with her lover Frank. While representing the character’s psychological structure graphically, I demonstrate that her psychic activity consists of repressed energy and of activity of all levels of consciousness. Finally, this study ultimately presents a feminist and materialist analysis of “Eveline” that projects the conditions of early twentieth- century Dublin.

Mots clés: Eveline; Joyce ; Psychology ; stream of consciousness ; unconscious

Posthuman Bodies in the Making: Woman and Technology in The Girl Who Was Plugged In

أورنيد سمية,  شعال هوارية, 

Résumé: It has long been thought of ‘a world governed by technology’ as part of an unreached future. Nevertheless, the current reality is, in many aspects, a manifestation of what the works of science fiction once foresaw. The rapprochement between the content of this genre and its reification begs the question of survival, or rather, the shape of survival in a technological world. Hence, this article is an endeavor to reflect the influence of technology demonstrated in James Tiptree Jr.’s The Girl Who Was Plugged In (1973) on reality. To reach this end, the novella is regarded from a posthumanist prism with the aim of speculating the meaning and the making of the female mind and body in the Age of Machine. The paper also evokes aspects from the feminist and Marxist schools in relating facts with fiction to reflect upon the speculative dimension of the science fiction genre insofar as the schools provide a profound insight into the realistic social features that can be found in literary texts. The textual analysis reveals that technology feeds humans’ superficiality towards the female consciousness and physique, which is manifested in areas related to beauty standards, consumption, and love, and interferes with redefining the human by detaching the mind from the body.

Mots clés: Artificial feelings ; consciousness ; female body ; posthumanism ; technology

La socialisation langagière des langues dans les familles algériennes : entre succession et sécession

تقيدة عبلة, 

Résumé: Le processus de socialisation langagière ainsi que les politiques linguistiques familiales, représentent le sujet de cette contribution qui aborde une réflexion sur l’évolution de la langue française à travers trois générations de la même famille. La finalité de cette recherche est de cerner le mécanisme de transmission des langues par les locuteurs des trois générations, à travers leurs discours épilinguistiques et leurs représentations. Une étude qualitative fondée sur neuf entretiens réalisés auprès des membres de trois familles algériennes, nous a permis de dévoiler des répertoires, des pratiques et des représentations linguistiques qui varient entre similitudes et diversités intrafamiliales et interfamiliales. Malgré un parcours de socialisation en faveur de la langue française et en dépit de la volonté des parents de confier cet héritage linguistique aux enfants, les résultats obtenus révèlent un attachement diminuant à cette langue par la génération cadette ainsi que son désir d’intégration de la langue anglaise qui semble restructurer le profil linguistique des familles algériennes. ABSTRACT:The language socialization process as well as family language policies are the subject of this contribution, which addresses a reflection on the evolution of the French language through three generations of the same family. The purpose of this research is to identify the mechanism of transmission of languages ​​by speakers of three generations, through their epilinguistic discourses and their representations. A qualitative study based on nine interviews carried out with members of three Algerian families, allowed us to reveal repertoires, practices and linguistic representations that vary between intra-family and inter-family similarities and diversities. Despite a socialization path in favor of the French language and despite the parents' desire to entrust this linguistic heritage to the children, the results obtained reveal a diminishing attachment to this language by the younger generation as well as their desire to integrate the English language which seems to restructure the linguistic profile of Algerian families.

Mots clés: socialisation langagière ; la sphère familiale ; politiques linguistiques familiales ; transmission ; génération

Musings on the Confluence of Drama and Society

Chergui Khedidja, 

Résumé: With a ‘transhistorical’ approach and a ‘selective appropriateness’ of playtexts and literature traditions, this article muses on the confluence of society and dramatic expression. Drama, compared to novel writing and poetry, remains, as it has always been, a powerful tool of social critique. From Greek and ancient Chinese and Indian drama forms which meditated with both the heroic and downtrodden, to the contemporary world stage that ponders with highly diverse identities and politically charged world scene, playwrighting still maintains its dialogue with society and its ever-shifting trajectories. The article argues that, in response to a constantly changing human condition, drama can be subversive, counter-discursive, or revolutionary in impulse, as it can be produced as an aesthetic space to explore the convergence of intimate and social life form and reconcile division.

Mots clés: drama ; society ; critique ; musings ; confluence

Discourse as an Essentially Contested Concept in Media Studies: From the Correct Use to the Abstract Concept

بويفر عبدالحق,  قادم جميلة, 

الملخص: The issue of concepts formation has always been at the centre of debate among scholars in media and communication studies. This paper is an attempt to introduce the general principles of Gallie's essentially contested concepts in the light of the widespread use of concept misunderstanding in this field of research where discourse is of central importance to researchers. We argue that the present essay explores primarily the option of placing more attention on theorizing rather than on theory. Accordingly, this article does seek to address the concepts of discourse in the established schools of discourse analysis within Gallie's framework aiming at settling the conflict over discourse by constructing epistemological bridge with Sartori's ladder of abstraction to overcome the problem of essential contestedness in media and communication studies. لا تزال مسألة صياغة المفاهيم تطرح بحدّة في النّقاشات العلمية بين الباحثين في حقل الإعلام والاتصال خصوصًّا فيما يتعلق بمرحلة التّأسيس المفاهيمي خلال بناء البحث. لذا يحاول هذا المقال استعراض المبادئ الأساسية التي ترتكز عليها أطروحة المفاهيم المتنازع عليها بالضّرورة لوالتر غالي، وذلك في ضوء انتشار سوء فهم المفاهيم في دراسات الميديا، وهنا يجد مفهوم الخطاب نفسه موضع تساءل لدى العديد من الباحثين. إن هذه المحاولة هي إنخراط في مسار التنظير وليس التعامل مع النّظرية، وذلك من خلال التّطرق إلى مفاهيم الخطاب المتداولة في المدراس الكبرى لتحليل الخطاب من منظور "المفاهيم المتنازع عليها بالضّرورة" بهدف تجاوز الطّابع التّنازعي حول مفهوم الخطاب باللّجوء إلى إرساء جسر معرفي مع "إطار سلم التّجريد" لسارتوري باعتباره مسلكًا يسمح بتخطي مسألة التّنازع المفاهيمي في حقل البحث في علوم الإعلام والاتصال.

الكلمات المفتاحية: Essentially Contested Concepts ; The Concepts of Discourse ; Discourse Analysis ; Ladder of Abstraction ; W.B.Gallie ; G.Sartori ; المفاهيم المتنازع عليها ; مفاهيم الخطاب ; تحليل الخطاب ; سلم التجريد

Impact de l’intelligence artificielle (la traduction automatique) dans l’apprentissage des langues : cas du Tamazight

قرشوح ليدية,  محمد حقي صوشتين محمد, 

Résumé: Aucun domaine ne peut de nos jours se passer de l’assistance des nouvelles technologies. L’informatique envahit toutes les sciences au grand intérêt du chercheur. Si ces outils ont tendance à faciliter les analyses, elles ne sont pas sans failles. L’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle dans les études linguistiques est très récente et peine à s’installer dans les pratiques méthodologiques. Bien que partiellement maitrisée, son utilisation devient de plus en plus fréquente. De nos jours, presque tous les chercheurs ont occasionnellement ou régulièrement recours à la traduction automatique à travers google traduction. Ce site web fournit des traductions de textes dans plusieurs langues différentes. Notre intérêt à travers cet écrit est de passer en revue les contraintes et particularités linguistiques du tamazight qui pourraient perturber la fiabilité des traductions et ainsi statuer sur l’éventualité de l’introduction de Tamazight parmi les langues officielles de google translate. Notre objectif est de suggérer des alternatives en amant en se servant des insuffisances constatées à travers les traductions dans les autres langues. Nous visons à mettre en évidence les situations de traduction échappant à l’intelligence artificielle et nécessitant une intervention et une reformulation de la phrase source ou cible. Par ailleurs, nous exposerons les avantages de la traduction automatique dans le processus d’apprentissage des langues en l’opposant aux autres systèmes d’apprentissage classiques.

Mots clés: Traduction assistée/automatique ; , intelligence artificielle ; traitement automatique des langues ; Google traduction ; apprentissage des langues

دور المقاربة النصية في تجاوز صعوبات التعلم وتحقيق التمرس اللغوي

بن صغير كريمة,  حمدي باشا ياسمين,  سلطاني فاروق, 

الملخص: سعينا في هذه الورقة العلمية لتقديم رؤية عن المقاربة النصية، التي تزامن ظهورها مع انتهاج المقاربة بالكفاءات، في ظل سياق عام عرفته المنظومة التربية، التي شهدت عدة إصلاحات تربوية، سعت من خلالها لتجاوز الثغرات التي خلفتها المناهج السابقة، فجعلت من المقاربة النصية طريقة تعلمية لتقديم النص، حتى تحقق من العملية التعلمية ملامح تخرج في نهاية كل طور تعليمي، ينجر عنها تحسن في الملكة اللغوية للمتعلم، يتقن استخدامها قراءة وكتابة.

الكلمات المفتاحية: تعليمية اللغة ; تمرس لغوي ; صعوبات التعلم ; مقاربة نصية ; نص تعليمي

Transcreation Flexibility with Hybrid Multilingualism in Algeria

Belabdi Lalia, 

Résumé: ABSTRACT: This study aims to track the origin of multilingualism phenomenon in Algeria, to identify its nature and status to the target audience. Furthermore, the research explores the flexibility of transcreation as a sophisticated technique of translation, to provide a baseline understanding of the transcreational act in translation field. The point uncovers the structural dimensions of translation of the hybrid expressions via transcreation. The research collects transcreation theoretical records and projects them on the processing of the hybrid expression of multilingual nature. The present study examines the transcreation of advertisements figures where code-mixing and code-switching practices are manifested to express hybrid multilingualism in the Algerian Daridja. The results indicate the importance of understanding the mechanism of the target expression polysystem for its impact on the target audience. The creation feature, which is within transcreation technique, helps building original contents with maximum flexibility. This study aims to cover the gap of ‘very little is known’ concerning the hybrid multilingualism nature and reality in Algeria, to enrich the literature regarding the identifiers of a society that seem somehow undiscovered to Academia folk. The study contributes in the stability and the recognition of transcreation as a term and as an operating technique in translation academic studies and practices.

Mots clés: Daridja ; flexibility ; hybrid multilingualism ; transcreation ; translation