مجلة الباحث في العلوم الإنسانية و الإجتماعية
Volume 5, Numéro 11, Pages 19-30

الاغتراب الثقافي عند الطلبة الجامعيين دراسة ميدانية على عينة من طلبة القطب الجامعي شتمة (بسكرة)

الكاتب : سلاطنية بلقاسم . نوي ايمان .


Abstract: The purpose from this study was to know the level of cultural Immigration on the students of chatmaas' annex university of Biskra, by answering the following questions: · Are the students of chatmaas' annex university of Biskra feel the cultural Immigration? · Do you think that the aspects (Allamaaaria, social isolation, centralized self, no aim ) of the cultural Immigration change on them (the students of chatmaas' annex university of Biskra)? · Does the proportion of cultural Immigration change by Gender on them (the students of chatmaas' annex university of Biskra)? · Does the proportion cultural Immigration change by variable of residential area? the Sample contains 400 male and female students, and we have used the cultural Immigration tool as a measure in order to collect data, and the results was that the students of chatmaas' annex university of Biskra are suffering from cultural Immigration in a high degree where the arithmetic was 2.52. The study also showed a statistically significant differences in the cultural Immigration according to the variable of residential area between the inhabitants of the cities to rural areas.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الاستخدام ،الاستعمال ،الانترنت ،الاغتراب ،الثقافة ،الاغتراب الثقافي.