المجلة الدولية للاتصال الاجتماعي
Volume 8, Numéro 4, Pages 338-348

Information Culture Of Studies In Humanities Sciences And Social At The Universities Of Algeria. As Model

Auteurs : Mohammedi Nadia . Allahoum Rabeh .


This study aims at the process that requires a constant effort from the student himself to possess the required basic skills, As most of these learning problems are related to the inability of the doctoral student to have accurate informational knowledge skills required in research that help him to innovate, innovate and discover through his practice of intellectual processes and through his acquisition of these skills. And it explains to us the role that libraries play in the field of skills, focusing on the most important learning methods of documentary research in available sources of information in its various forms, and the importance of dealing with information, especially within the educational environment, because it is rich in a huge amount of knowledge and information, the process and its role in building the student's informational formation.

Mots clés

Information culture ; self-education ; Algerian University ; PhD student ; ; Digital documentary research ; library