مجلة العلوم والخبرة وتكنولوجية النشاط البدني والرياضي
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 58-71

دور الأنشطة البدنية الرياضية المعدلة في زيادة مستوى الصلابة النفسية لدى المعاقين سمعيا

الكاتب : حمديني إسحاق .


The role of physical sports activities adapted in achieving the psychological rigidity of the hearing impaired'' A field study at the level attached to the school of the hearing impaired A M'sila The study aims at understanding the role of adapted physical physical activities in increasing the level of psychological rigidity in the dimensions of the hearing impaired, as well as knowing whether there are differences between people with hearing impairment in personality variables (age, sex and disability) The researcher used the descriptive approach to suit the nature of the study. The study sample included 23 individuals (males and females) between the ages of 14-20 years in the school of the handicapped. Also, the researcher uses the scale of psychological rigidity, and the most important results reached: - Adapted physical sports activities have a big role in increasing the level of commitment of the hearing impaired9 - Adapted physical sports activities have a role in increasing the level of control of the hearing impaired9 - Adapted sports activities play a big role in raising the level of challenge for the hearing impaired9 - Modified sports activities play a big role in increasing the level of psychological rigidity of the hearing impaired9

الكلمات المفتاحية

physical sports activities