مجلة علوم اللغة العربية وآدابها
Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 2547-2576

الإمام الشافعي شاعرا

الكاتب : تشيش عمر .


• ملخص: يُعَدُّ الإمام الشّافعيّ (150-204ه) أحد الأئمّة الأربعة الذين ارتضى المسلمون مذاهبهم، وواحدا من العلماء الجهابذة الذين خدموا الإسلام بعلمهم ودعوتهم، شهد له بالفضل شيوخه وأقرانه وتلامذته، ومازالت سيرته وفقهه محلّ دراسة إلى يومنا هذا. وإذا كان صيته العلميّ قد ذاع في الأمصار والأصقاع، ولهجتِ الألسنُ بالثّناء عليه في شتّى البقاع، فإنّ الشُّهرة الأدبيّة للشّافعيّ لا تقلّ عن شهرته العلميّة، فما من محبّ للأدب العربيّ إلّا ويحفظ شيئا من شعره، يتغنّى به ويرويه روايته للأمثال والحِكَم. وعلى الرّغم من أنّ شعر الشّافعيّ مخدوم مِن حيث كثرةُ مَن جمع ديوانه، فإنّه لم يُوَفَّ حقّه من الدّراسة والنّقد والتّحليل، وهو ما دفعنا إلى اختياره موضوعا لهذا البحث. Abstract: Imam Ash-Shâfi'î (150-204) Hijri era is one of the four Imams whose doctrines were adopted by Muslims, and one of the most talented Ulama (scholars) who served the Islam, thanks to their knowledge and their proselytism. The Imam was recognized by his Teachers, his peers and his disciples, and his biography is still the subject of numerous studies to this day. And if his scientific fame spread through faraway lands, and languages sang his praises across the world, his literary fame was none the less made, since all lovers of Arabic literature and poetry knew by heart his poems and recited them as proverbs and quotes. Although, Ash-Shâfi'î 's poems have often aroused interest, particularly during the constitution of his poetry book, they have not been filled with the time that should have been attributed to their study, criticism and analysis and that is why we were tempted to choose this subject for our research.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الشّافعيّ ; ديوان ; شعر ; مضامين ; خصائص