نتائج الفكر
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 88-108

تجربة الرواية التاريخية في الأدب الجزائري. قراءة في نص (كتاب الأمير) لواسيني الأعرج

الكاتب : محمد فايد .


سنتكلّم هنا عن الرواية التاريخية التي يعتبر الحدث التاريخي ركيزة أساسا في بنائها الهيكلي، بكلّ ما لذلك الحدث من انتماءات إلى حقبة زمنية بعينها، صنيع جرجي زيدان مثلا، ولكن النموذج السردي الذي اخترنا الاشتغال عليه نقدا وتحليلا ومحاورة هو نص (كتاب الأمير مسالك أبواب الحديد) للروائي الجزائري واسيني الأعرج. Abstract The novel establishes its world imagined on relations with other creative colors, and those relationships are still of interest to many critical studies, and perhaps what Interestingly, the novel as a literary genre, exceeded in its relations genres, and extended bridges between them and the various fields of knowledge, such as history, which weaves all novelists based on it, critique and dialogue and impressed, and rework ... The novel that dialogue the history, a novel trying to provoke the present based on what happened in the past ,Therefore we can say that the novel aims, through its dealings with the history, either to the rebirth of that and confirmation of His Holiness, And either to the criticism and show what overlooked or bypassed, or did not give him his due, so that history writes according convictions toast authoritarian intending to inform its past aura of superiority, it will not come unless Patmos and the absence of the history of the real makers of history, The blogger of history on which his authority in writing, is merely a tool driven by those elites, according to what serves the narrow interests of progress. . We'll talk here about the historical novel, which is a historic event pillar mainly in structural construction, with all of that event of affiliation to the time warp particular, facts Georgi Zidane, for example, but the narrative model that chose to engage him criticism and analysis, and dialogue is the text (the book Prince pathways iron doors) Algerian novelist Waciny Laredj.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الكلمات المفتاحية: الرواية، التاريخ، الراوية التاريخية، التخيل الروائي، تسريد التاريخ Key words: the novel, history, historical fiction, imagination novelist