مجلة الإقتصاد الجديد
Volume 11, Numéro 2, Pages 279-298

أثر القروض المصرفية على تحفيز النمو الاقتصادي في الجزائر خلال الفترة 1990-2017

الكاتب : جيلالي بن فرج عبد القادر . خليفة منية .


This study examines the impact of bank lending on economic growth in Algeria during the period (1990 - 2017) through the financing of investment projects. Econometric techniques such as ADF, joh. Mutivariate and VECM were used. The results of the study showed that CRDt and DEPt had a positive effect on the growth rate of per capita GDPPt. We can therefore support the supply-leader hypothesis that banking activities such as lending are a useful tool to increase the country's productivity and thereby achieve economic growth

الكلمات المفتاحية

bank loans ; economic growth ; banking activities ; supply leader