Volume 7, Numéro 13, Pages 245-271

العلاقات بين المهارات الاجتماعية وفعالية الذات وأثرهما على التحصيل الدراسي لدى تلاميذ مرحلة التعليم المتوسط

الكاتب : فوزرية غماري .


Abstract : School life have a wide impact on social and psychological adjustment and success in life study of a child and adolescent,so that lack of social skills and self efficacy is related to school achievement . It is not cognitive skills of students that may concern educators but their social and emotional skills as well as their self, efficacy . In the present study,we were interested to examine the importance of social skills and self,efficacy to improve school achievement . The findings are based on a random sample of 88 students from public middle school of Algiers (west area ) during the school year 2010/2011 .They were asked to respond to " Matson evaluation of social skills with youngsters " scale of Matson and al (1983 )and "Measurement of perceived self  ,  efficacy" scale of Schwartzer (1993 ). The results obtained from analysis of data showed that :  –  Students with higher level of social skills achieve higher academic levels.  –  Students with higher levels of social skills showed higher levels of self , efficacy   –  social skills had a significant impact on school achievement than self efficacy Results finally stressed the importance of social skills as basic part of students psychological health so that it will not increase the success of a student social relationships but also play a capital role in successful academic performance . Results were interpreted and implications for counseling were suggested.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Key words: social skills. Self efficacy. School achievement. Middle school.